Volunteer Marine Rescue Victoria Point has held a twice yearly Boaties Market for around 7 years at Victoria Point State School, Colburn Ave, Victoria Point. The market has expanded in size to be legendry amoung boaties from as far away as over the NSW border. Guys keep asking us to include camping gear as camping and boating very often go together. Next market is 15th March 2009. Start time is 05.30 am and finishes at Midday. Sellers - no need to book and entrance fee is $10.00. Buyers - a donation at the gate. For more info see www.vmr.org.au Ausfish is also doing a Shave for a cure at the market with all proceeds going to the Leukemia Foundation. BBQ sausage and drink - hot and cold is sold by the school P&C. They also receive a donation from VMR for use of the grounds. If you wnat to sell the tent that is too small or too big, buy a replacement, and other camping gear this is the time and place to do it.