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Another Mondy Barra Report - Page 2
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Thread: Another Mondy Barra Report

  1. #16

    Re: Another Mondy Barra Report

    yeah, not bad mate, 83, 95, 100 and 106 for me, one dropped fish for the crew, 97 and 98 for Noels boat, I'll wack up a report and a couple of pics.

  2. #17

    Re: Another Mondy Barra Report

    woooooooooops - edited

  3. #18

    Re: Another Mondy Barra Report

    well done brian

  4. #19
    Ausfish Platinum Member themissus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Another Mondy Barra Report

    Do you guys have any idea how mean and nasty it is to put up all these fantastic reports It's killing me!!
    Sounds like a great weekend Shane. You being the skipper get to claim it for the boat My skipper always does.
    A 95cm is a great way for you mate to open his barra account.
    Catch you at the Bash!!
    Cheers Kim.
    Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
    'Oh Shit.....she's awake'

  5. #20

    Re: Another Mondy Barra Report

    hi Kim my mate was thrilled at how luckey he was to get the fish where he did , i told him luck had nothing to do with it , it was the skill of the skipper for finding the fish and putting him on then netting it for him.
    I can't wait to get back up there myself but i have a darwin trip at the end of april so not sure if i will get back to mondy before then hope to , i will prob get to the bash even if it is overnight to meet a few people


  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member Big_Ren's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Another Mondy Barra Report

    Loved that first shot Shane. It's still spectacular just for the hole in the water it left. Great trip mate and congrats.

    The bug has bitten again, but I will have to wait until the 23rd.

    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  7. #22

    Re: Another Mondy Barra Report

    Hi Paul thanks mate was going to blow that up and frame it for my mate just have to wait a few weeks to do it


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