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Mondy Trip
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Thread: Mondy Trip

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Mondy Trip

    Hit mondy Friday the 13th in the arvo for a long awaited session.
    Had not been on mondy in about 18 months and boy is there ALOT more water now!!!!
    Conditions were abysmal rain and wind in the 20kt+ range.....Not ideal condionts to try and break my Monduran curse. With 60 or more hours on the dam thus far for all of 2 touchs and one bust up history was not on my side!

    Running up the main basin hitting a couple of weed bed i had been told about for no result i decided to have a think about what i had read and heard about on aus fish and the recent video released on Monduran (great video a must see)
    Grabbing the map out i picked a point that would have some wind/current running across it and the descion was made a move was in order.

    Moved to the new location and scored a 64cm on the first drift past. Missed another bigger fish about 10mins later! Finally i had broken the monduran run of donuts!!!
    Both fish on the good old Barra clasic in Elton John...

    Ok so not a big fish but its a monduran Barra and ill take it!
    For me the best part was the fact that i had taken in what i have learned and put it into practice coming up with a result.
    That one fish was it for the afternoon although i did have a few short strikes and a couple of decent bumps but the hooks never stuck.
    We did plan on hitting the dam Saturday but with storms rolling through most of the day we didnt bother.
    Sunday and we were back out at the dam abit later than we wanted due to no sleep and the fact we were both crook as dogs with a cold....
    Hit the water right on sunrise and headed straight to a diffrent point we had looked at on the way home Friday arvo that has good shows of bait and the odd swirl. From about 200m out i dropped the leccy in and we crusied over to bait jumping every where and some rather large swirls. Within 10 minutes i had about 5 or so touches on a hollow belly but no hooks. From that point on the boats started racing around every where and the whole place shut down!!!!
    We spent the next few hours checking out other likely looking spots and found a few great spots that should be awsome once the weather starts to cool.

    So all in all a good weekend with limited fishing time. We spent 10 hours on the water for one fish and several touches so pretty happy with putting what we have learned into practice!

    I have a few people to thank
    Rod and Kim Thanks for the spots and the lend of the zillion! Did you want that back Rod? I mean i wouldn't want you to drop it over board mate We will catchup in the coming week for lunch or soemthing.

    Ben Cheers for all the help mate greatly apreciate it we did check out some of your spots but the boat traffic made them near on impossible to fish!!

    Steve B Thanks for the updated info on the dam.

    Last edited by Archer; 17-02-2009 at 02:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Roo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Mondy Trip

    Yes! I do want my zillion back....and the rod....and the boxes of lollies No I won't drop them overboard.....that experience has made me quite gun shy I can tell you.

    Glad the Lake misery monkey is off your back. You now have to deal with the dreaded "Next Fish" dilemma....bream just don't cut it, Bass are not quite there, flathead are a minor irritation and trevally are a line burning aberration that merely provide a minor relief to the burning desire to head north again and hook the "Next Fish".
    Well done mate.
    Cheers Roo.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member themissus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Mondy Trip

    Joe I've waited a long time for that pic. Great to finally see you with barra in your hot little hands. You did well in such crappy conditions. As for the zillion I don't think he'll miss it, he has a replacement on the way
    Congrats again!!
    Does Belinda know what she's in for? We are planning to head up on the june long weekend if you want a lift
    Cheers Kim.
    Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
    'Oh Shit.....she's awake'

  4. #4

    Re: Mondy Trip

    good read archer well done i will be there this weekend


  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member TonyM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Re: Mondy Trip

    Great result Joe, a great report too! It sure is a nice feeling when you finally break a drought

    It's also been a very long time since I saw a photo of Alistairs boat with a fish in it!


  6. #6

    Re: Mondy Trip

    Thanks for sharing your trip Joe and congratulations for getting a barra in the boat. Monduran is a thinking mans fishery and thats what got you thru. Well done - RC

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member Whitto's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Mondy Trip

    Hey Joe....It might only be a tacker but a Barra is a Barra is a Barra....Good job....Whitto

  8. #8

    Re: Mondy Trip

    Thats some crappy looking weather in that pic mate, but brightened up by a bloke who used his noggin to find a fish when things were tuff.
    Well done!!!


  9. #9

    Re: Mondy Trip

    That is indeed some crap weather there, but the smile says it all. Nice fish mate.

    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  10. #10

    Re: Mondy Trip

    Great work JOe.
    Congrats on at least one fish mate, and its a barra so who cares what size as long as the doughnuts off your back!!!!!
    When you said the conditions were crap you werent joking!!!!!!

  11. #11

    Re: Mondy Trip

    Well done Joe (good thinking) ...... a fish in tough conditions is always a great result .


    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Mondy Trip

    Well done Joe,

    Now that you've got your first there'll be no stopping you! Congatulations....

    We were there from Sunday to Wednesday and the fish were certainly being very timid - lots of taps & short strikes but very little commitment...

    You did well to get the one.


    Pete & Kyle

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