We ( My mate John and i )spent the morning chasing longtails and if there is a more frustrating pastime i'm yet to find it!We threw everything at the bloody things , slugs of all colours and sizes , 10 gram through to 50 gram and everything from 3 inch to 9 inch plastics not a look . We had great schools that were always just out of reach so 3 hours passed very quickly and irritation levels were high and to make matters worse the spotties didn't turn up either so a change of plan was called for! Now i've never been a huge fan of chasing doggies but these were desparate times so we started working the beacons , 4 hours to late to really have any success but the first beacon produced i doggie almost imediately so all wasn't lost ! Fast foward 2 hours and things are a still as the wind not another hit we were just about to make a move towards the top of Bribe when a small kingy hit the jig and was halfway to the boat when it was hammered by what we thought was a spanish but it was to deep to really tell ! John rerigged with a spanish mackeral rig( wire) and i rigged another rod with a bait jig hoping to get some sort of livie to bait up with ! well the livie was easy so on it went and down it went, we worked it back to the boat a few times when about 3 meters from the back it was hammered by a very very large barracudda and all hell erupted!!!
The reel was screaming the fish was heading under the boat towards the beacon i was spinning the boat in a 360 degree turn before backing it hard around the beacon so were were not bricked fortunately it then headed towards open water and stayed there and 25 minutes later John boated this Monster!!!
We would have gone for a release but it was bleading heavily from the gills ( where it was hooked ) it was totally stuffed and it also had our 80 gram raider in it's belly , so it was despached quickly , shame really as you couldn't eat the poor thing!
It weighed in at 44kg and was 205 cm's long and is by far the biggest barracudda i've ever seen. Moreton bay really does produce some monsters at times!