mozza rang me last night while it was flogging down rain.. you keen for a fish tomorrow... yeah!
we shot across the bay about 8.00am in milkpond conditions, we went up alligator creek to where the weir is. done a bit of trolling for only 2 strikes, than we anchored up where there was fresh coming from a flood plain which was spilling into the creek. mozza was first to get a hookup on a surface lure but the little barra dropped it, i was next with a solid hookup & boated a 59cm barra on a 5 inch bat wing frog, the barra smashed it on the surface! than mozza had another solid hookup on a black & gold squidgie this 1 came in at 64cm! things were looking good, a few more hookup's but we dropped them than mozza is on again this time it is a jack around 40cm. everything is starting to get hot & mozza pours a bucket of fresh water over himself to cool down, things shut down so a move was called & we were out the front of cocco creek... we started trolling along the edge where it dropped into the channel, maybe 15-20mins later we see some clear water in front of us & as i was going to light a smoke... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. i am on this 1 is alot bigger & after a soild fight mozza nets my biggest saltwater barra to date, coming in at 82cm & about 7-8kg! this 1 took a classic f18. it was a great day's fishing. (but f#@$ing hot).