If you are worried about worms in fish......worms in meat are more of a problem and can most certainly effect your health......you can get a tape worm by eating beef/ lamb/pork that has in intermediate form of the tape worm in its flesh... and they are almost imposible to spot visulay.
eating the flesh of sheep with liver flukes can allow you to contract an infestation...... this can kill you
there is a particular worm like creature that you can get infested by from eating raw or undercooked beef .... this is a tiny creature that lives in your brain and can bee seen only by byopsy........in some populations the infestation rate is a significant portion of the population.
almost without exception all of these are killed by proper cooking.... most however survive normal refrigeration just fine.
I think you will understand why I will not eat raw meat of any type including fish.
AND I like my steak,.... well done.
I believe that the eskimos consider maggots from stored whale flesh a particularly special delicay.
If you are even the least squeamish.... do not even start to investigate parasites.
It has been enough to send people vegitarian..... but remember most of the intestinal worms have part of their life cycle on foaliage and this is the primary channel of infestation ........so you'll give up salad too.
If you are having difficulty with children taking medication..... tell them all about parasites with lots of pictures.... and then tell them it is a worm tablet
Very much a tried and true method in the 50's and 60's.
Whe knew a family that has a boarding kennel and was a do breeder...... MRS used to worm the dogs, the children and the husband every 6 months without fail![]()