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Thread: Count Down to the Green Zones

  1. #1

    Count Down to the Green Zones

    I just had a chat with two of the local Fisheries inspectors (Brisbane area). They advised that there are “no new maps” being produced at the moment, and the proposed maps will be the ones in use as at the 1st of March. They also said EPA has not produced a set of GPS marks to outline the different zones, nor are they able to supply them to the public.

    Also on a lighter note, they said they aren’t doing anything extra with regards to patrols and inspections because they do not have GPS marks plotting the edges of the zones, nor have they been given any additional support, both financially or manning, to conduct more patrols.

    They were a little pinged off with the whole issue because EPA were running the show, and yet it was up to them to enforce.

    So I am looking forward to what happens come the 1st Mar when Captain Bligh and the Good ship Greens plan comes into effect.

    I love the sound of reels screaming in the morning

  2. #2

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones

    the zining is never meant to be enforced by fisheries. Even on the GBR if you are fishing in a green zone and get pulled up by fisheries, they can only ask you to leave, but they must notify the GBRMPA, with coordinates.

    The GBRMPA are the only ones who can issue fines for fishing in green zones as the same thing occured up here, no additional support in terms of finding etc was given to the DPI.

    The EPA will have to setup their own agency to enforce their new rules as being already stretched to the limit, the DPI won't have the resources to enforce the new rules and won't even bother.

  3. #3

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones

    I was looking at gps coordinates of the new zones on the epa website yesterday?????......they said effective as of march 09 so i'm assuming thats the ones your talking bout... I might be getting a bit wrong though and your meaning it's all still proposed and nothing has been confirmed????

  4. #4

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones

    Quote Originally Posted by J2DAG83 View Post
    I was looking at gps coordinates of the new zones on the epa website yesterday?????......they said effective as of march 09 so i'm assuming thats the ones your talking bout... I might be getting a bit wrong though and your meaning it's all still proposed and nothing has been confirmed????
    When on the EPA website to find the GPS coordinates for the new marine park for Moreton bay even done a search on the website I couldn't find it if somebody could post up the link to it be very helpful
    Thanks Mitch
    In life, start off wrong and you'll finish wrong. Put just one skeleton in the closet and you'll have to put another one in to hide the first, and so it goes.
    But start off right and you'll finish right. There's no comeback when you stick to the truth - and no skeletons!

  5. #5

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones


    Mitch, have you had a look at hondas post, the sticky in electronics?


  6. #6

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones

    Here are the GPS marks and descriptions for the Zones that will come into effect on March 1st 2009.

    It is 51 pages long so I won't post it up here. Just the link.

    Ya just gotta know where to look....

    Let's also not forget that the marks are in Geocentric Datum of Australia ( GDA )

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  7. #7

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott nthQld View Post
    the zining is never meant to be enforced by fisheries. Even on the GBR if you are fishing in a green zone and get pulled up by fisheries, they can only ask you to leave, but they must notify the GBRMPA, with coordinates.

    The GBRMPA are the only ones who can issue fines for fishing in green zones as the same thing occured up here, no additional support in terms of finding etc was given to the DPI.

    The EPA will have to setup their own agency to enforce their new rules as being already stretched to the limit, the DPI won't have the resources to enforce the new rules and won't even bother.
    Thats not quite right. The DPI&F officer I spoke to the other day said that it is not their core business to police green zones, the focus is more on commercial fishing and enforcment of DPI&F regulation (such as bag limits and size limits). They do however have the authority to issue fines if they catch you fishing in green zones, and will do so if they are working in the general area and spot you.

  8. #8

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post
    Here are the GPS marks and descriptions for the Zones that will come into effect on March 1st 2009.

    It is 51 pages long so I won't post it up here. Just the link.

    Ya just gotta know where to look....

    Let's also not forget that the marks are in Geocentric Datum of Australia ( GDA )

    GDA coordinates are unlikely to cause any greif to anyone here. Your GPS will have more error than the coordinate. I think the quoted error on GDA94 - WGS84 was something like less than 10 centimetres. SatNav is probably the person to ask for more correct answer.

  9. #9

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones

    What I can't understand is why the Co-ordinates are often taken to three decimal places.

    I know we have to be accurate but if you take "Deception Bay 49 MNP09" as an example look at the southern boundary.

    This is shown as 27 Degrees 08.080 Minutes and extends across that southern boundary for a little less than 2 nautical miles on the same latitude.

    The point I am trying to make is that in some areas eg. "Tripconys Bight
    42 MNP 02" might need careful plotting but in the case of Depection Bay green zone why so pedantic.

    Quite frankly if we need these boundaries to three decimal places accuracy god help the people from the country on a holiday or those without G.P.S. skills.

    The more I learn about all this B/S the more convinced I am that some of our so called leaders are just trying to show all us old fisherfolk how smart they are are??????

    In the process they have proven how dumb they really are themselves.

    Have Fun Haji--Baba

  10. #10

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones


    I am actually all for the highest accuracy possible. A person SHOULD be able to fish 15m outside a green zone if they wish and not be fined. Otherwise, the green zones simply become much bigger in actual fact than they are on paper, so 16% might become 20% of Moreton Bay. We can't have that now can we?


  11. #11

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones

    Hi! Jeremy If you read what I said there is a good reason for some of the "marks" to be deadly accurate eg. Tripcony park.

    Other "marks" such as described eg Deception Bay southern boundary
    indicated as 27 08.080 is not necessary.

    Why not a sensible figure like 27 08. the difference is minimal.

    The reason given to me by the E.P.A. is to protect some feature or place that only they or them know about.

    I still maintain that some of the third decimal place "marks" as included in the final draft are confusing to say the least.

    I will try for those prop numbers for you if I get the chance.

    Have fun Haji-Baba

  12. #12

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones

    Using decimals for the "seconds" gives you an order of accuracy sub 1 meter (if you GPS goes to enough decimals).

    I understand what you mean, but your example to the nearest "minute" is a bit to inaccurate, a minute is about 1.6km, IE 27 08 is 1.6km away from 27 09.

    The nearest second gives you about 15m, which is enough. IE 27 08 00 is 15m away from 27 08 01.

  13. #13

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackened View Post

    Mitch, have you had a look at hondas post, the sticky in electronics?

    Thanks for that, last place I would have looked. I was wondering why there was nothing on this in the GPS marks area!

  14. #14

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones

    Of coarse the boundary's are larger than they seem, before I got a plotter with all the gear I use to only trust my reckoning to around half a km and only then on some I could get a reckoning on well enough to trust that close. now with the plotter I will fish to within 50m.

    It is a further locking up by stealth, if they where serious (ethical) then there would be a grey zone where by the error induced by reckoning would amount to a piss off or else zone..far too reasonable for the cretins to entertain though.

    cheers fnq

  15. #15

    Re: Count Down to the Green Zones

    Herd Chris Ryan on Nova this morning talking Green Zones etc.
    Big thumbs up mate, hold your head high.
    A well thought, educated debate that highlighted the battle so far and into the future. I believe you reached an audience that had no idea of incoming new regulations

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