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Oztrail 6V or similar for dad and 2 boys
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Thread: Oztrail 6V or similar for dad and 2 boys

  1. #1

    Oztrail 6V or similar for dad and 2 boys

    Hi all. I have an Oztrail double dome biggy for trips with the whole fam where we stay for more than a few days. And I tarp over it normally. But im keen to take just the little blokes away - 5 and 9 and I want enough room for them and me, with me being able to stand at some part at least. I want to also take a relatively small tarp - say 21 x 16 or somthing like that for cooking and eating under.

    I was going to just go grab the Oztrail 6V because it looked like it wouldnt take too much to put up (I do the big one with my wife usually) and its cheap and should be pretty effective. However the tent guy reckoned that it wouldnt be too good because its essentially like the second part of the big one i have...that is its just really a sun room with a fly over it. there a relatively small domy that has better weather protection - eg Coleman or Carribee or am I wasting my time with I better to save the bickies up and try for an Oztrail canvass or similar....I think the wooly Wolf ones are too dear for me. Are the Oztrail canvass centre pole jobbies quick to put up and do they keep out the weather, but still allow some breathing...I like a fly, hence why the Wolf turbo would be nice (but just not the price).

    Cheers and thanks very much

  2. #2
    Ausfish Premium Member kingtin's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Oztrail 6V or similar for dad and 2 boys

    Mate, I know it's the bikkies that's the problem but I think your heart is telling you about the Black Wolf. I really can put my canvas 300 turbo up in 30 secs and it's built like a brick dunny...........I'd try looking out for a used one or do a google............I bought the full outfit from searching the web..........extension and inners for 400 bucks cheaper than a nearest rival. If I had to start all over though..........I'd save me money and just buy the tent and fly............the extension is more trouble than it's worth.

    Good luck


    See my breeder fish photography here:
    Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.

  3. #3

    Re: Oztrail 6V or similar for dad and 2 boys

    ...ha me Kev!

  4. #4

    Re: Oztrail 6V or similar for dad and 2 boys

    OZTRAIL TOURER 9 RV CANVAS TOURING TENT - are these any good. I am concerned that if the kids touch the wall of this one during rain it will leak in....or is this new lighter treated canvas not like that as long as it is conditioned? Looks quick and easy to errect.


  5. #5

    Re: Oztrail 6V or similar for dad and 2 boys

    OZTRAIL TOURER 9 RV CANVAS TOURING TENT - are these any good. I am concerned that if the kids touch the wall of this one during rain it will leak in....or is this new lighter treated canvas not like that as long as it is conditioned? Looks quick and easy to errect.


  6. #6
    Ausfish Premium Member kingtin's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Oztrail 6V or similar for dad and 2 boys

    Quote Originally Posted by ozscott View Post
    OZTRAIL TOURER 9 RV CANVAS TOURING TENT - are these any good. I am concerned that if the kids touch the wall of this one during rain it will leak in....or is this new lighter treated canvas not like that as long as it is conditioned? Looks quick and easy to errect.

    Scott. I think that "touching and leaking" thing stems from way back when canvas was a wider weave and had to be waxed. even some of the cheaper nylon tents had that problem. The touching either pushed open the weave or scraped off the wax. canvas is a much tighter weave nowadays and anything over 12 is a likely safe bet. It shouldn't need treating either, due to the tighter weave.


    See my breeder fish photography here:
    Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.

  7. #7

    Re: Oztrail 6V or similar for dad and 2 boys

    Thanks Kev - this one is a 12, but they reckon with conditioning with water and then drying its "impervious" to water....

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