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AFLP - Anyone know...
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Thread: AFLP - Anyone know...

  1. #1

    AFLP - Anyone know...

    What's happened?

    Tried to get to their web site over the last fortnight but it's down, sent an email to the registrant contact for the domain (Adam Lee) who is an AusFish member also if I remember correctly, but have had no reply.

    Does anyone know what is happening with the AFLP or have they 'imploded' after the Federal Election? Kevin announced that he was going to stand down as leader in the contact that we had after the election which was sad, as he was to be the driving force behind the party.

    Will be a shame if they are no more as we will have no one pushing our case in Canberra trying to make sense to those half wits who run the country.

    M: 0410 834 486

  2. #2

    Re: AFLP - Anyone know...



  3. #3

    Re: AFLP - Anyone know...

    Quote Originally Posted by mod5 View Post

    Thanks Mod!

    Just a question, considering all the work that was done on Election day (and prior) to differentiate the AFLP from "the fishing party" (clearly pointing out the differences and emphasising that we were not the "fishing Party" but the AFLP); please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this a step backwards and would it not have been better to maintain the AFLP brand going forward?

    I'm no marketing person but to me, this just seems to defy logic with this domain?!?

    M: 0410 834 486

  4. #4

    Re: AFLP - Anyone know...

    I still dodn't understand why we needed 2 parties to represent the same people anyway. All it did was split the vote and gave us a weaker voice. Hopefully they can get their shit in the one sock next election to us a bigger voice and a better chance at continuing our beloved sport.

  5. #5

    Re: AFLP - Anyone know...

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott nthQld View Post
    I still dodn't understand why we needed 2 parties to represent the same people anyway. All it did was split the vote and gave us a weaker voice. Hopefully they can get their shit in the one sock next election to us a bigger voice and a better chance at continuing our beloved sport.
    Yep, that was the reason that the AFLP only polled as well as it did at the last Fed election. The Fishing Party NSW stood candidates in QLD to splinter the vote, but I'll leave that debate to others as it is a sensitive one.

    I just do not understand that the lengths that we went to to differentiate the two and now they run their website under the domain name of - we're right back to square one

    The domain name doesn't even make marketing sense; golden rule is that you keep it as short as possible because it's easier to remember and keep it in peoples heads. The AFLP name just needed to be marketed properly and maybe they will do this in the lead up to the next Federal or upcoming State election.

    I am hoping that there is method in the madness; maybe someone from the AFLP can make appropriate comment?

    M: 0410 834 486

  6. #6
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: AFLP - Anyone know...


    We are NOT back at square one! Have a look at

    There is a protest being planned for 28 February, and some significant growth plans are about to hit. The difference is that this time it is not our intention to run as a political party, rather as a lobby.

    We are going to kick some ar$e, too, just quietly!

    Or maybe not so quietly...


    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  7. #7

    Re: AFLP - Anyone know...

    There was talk over a federal court case and waiting for it to be over and done with, no idea what happened there or is still happening there.

    We recfisherman need anything that is not federal/state funding stings attached and is grass roots recfishing, as such that the state authorities cannot target a specific faction (ie catch and release fisho's) that do not represent anywhere near the whole and use those with personally self interested goals as the justification to decrease recfishing amenity or push through preservationist regulations.

    Can someone please get the LNPs best mate hooked on grass roots fishing? you know, the bloke who is suing Angry Anna!

    cheers fnq

  8. #8

    Re: AFLP - Anyone know...

    From my understanding (and I could be quite off the mark) the website Andrew is for The Fishing Party (QLD) which is a seperate entity to the NSW mob and is a hangover from the last state election and before that when the federal election was run and candidates stood as TFPQ ones. It wasn't until the last fed election that the AFLP came about.

    Thanks Timiboy for putting up that post. After this past weekend people, you will see some significant things coming.

  9. #9

    Re: AFLP - Anyone know...

    Quote Originally Posted by TimiBoy View Post

    We are NOT back at square one! Have a look at

    There is a protest being planned for 28 February, and some significant growth plans are about to hit. The difference is that this time it is not our intention to run as a political party, rather as a lobby.

    We are going to kick some ar$e, too, just quietly!
    Good stuff Tim; I wish you the best of luck - here's hoping that you can sway some pollies to at least consider common sense before votes; we can always dream huh?

    M: 0410 834 486

  10. #10

    Re: AFLP - Anyone know...

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Ryan View Post
    From my understanding (and I could be quite off the mark) the website Andrew is for The Fishing Party (QLD) which is a seperate entity to the NSW mob and is a hangover from the last state election and before that when the federal election was run and candidates stood as TFPQ ones. It wasn't until the last fed election that the AFLP came about.

    Thanks Timiboy for putting up that post. After this past weekend people, you will see some significant things coming.
    Hi Chris - yep that's sort of what I was talking about.

    At the meetings prior to the federal election, Kevin went to great pains (and rightly so) to point out that the NSW mob were running candidates in Queensland for no other reason other than to splinter the vote, which they achieved; I believe costing the AFLP a senate seat at best and at least federal funding at worst.

    Kevin was quite clear that we had to differentiate to voters between the "Fishing Party" and the "AFLP" for that reason.

    Until I made this post, I had no idea what had happened to the web site. The page was returning an error saying that the site could not be found. Since the Mods advised the site was now at; the 'old' AFLP site is there.

    Now back to my question: Why did we go to all that effort to explain and point out the differences between the Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party and the Fishing Party given that the AFLP web site now resides at as opposed to

    At the very least, surely there could be a domain alias pointing to fishing (preferably the other way round) given that they are both hosted at jumba? It's a quick job to do it, only takes about 2 minutes to configure.

    Now I'm of the opinion that marketing people are like Greens; they shouldn't be allowed to breed for the benefit and improvement of society as a whole (apologies to any marketing fisho's). Yet even a lowly IT Admin like me understands that branding is everything in todays age. With all this taken into account and with all the time and effort that was put into the re-branding prior to the election; I'm honestly scratching my head wondering why we even bothered give the current situation that I've described above...

    Chris, I hope that the rally worked well, that there was a good turnout and that it produces some fruit, let's hope that there's some improvement and notice taken in George St as a result.

    M: 0410 834 486

  11. #11

    Re: AFLP - Anyone know...

    Hi mate,

    The domain was simply not renewed by the looks of it. The data probably was always residing on the fishingparty server and the aflp domain was a pointer.

    As to why it is now like it is, with no one driving the AFLP party, with all the donations for the election spent (as per legislation requirements) it is merely a shell with a dry till. Unless another KC comes forward with a team of people and access to serious funding I would say the days of having a political party representing fisho's is over.

    However there is a strong groundswell of non political based associations gaining mindshare with governments. ECO Fishers in NSW is a good example as they represent thousands of fisherman in NSW and are doing amazing things down there. I and a couple of others met recently to discuss their success and get some hints and learn how they took a local issue and make it a state wide then national one. Watch this space is all I will say for now but their are exciting times ahead. All is not lost.


  12. #12

    Re: AFLP - Anyone know...

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Ryan View Post
    Hi mate,

    The domain was simply not renewed by the looks of it. The data probably was always residing on the fishingparty server and the aflp domain was a pointer.
    Morning Chris,

    Nope, .au domains are registered for a minimum of two year periods at a time, meaning that the domain is current until September 2009; check the WhoIs info below:

    Domain Name:
    Last Modified: 24-Sep-2007 01:08:50 UTC
    Registrar ID: AUSSIEHQ
    Registrar Name: AussieHQ Pty Ltd
    Status: ok

    Registrant: The Fishing Party Queensland Branch
    Eligibility Type: Non-profit Organisation
    Eligibility ID: ABN 36733771800

    As the status is 'OK' this means that the domain is still current, not expired and should be working.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Ryan View Post
    As to why it is now like it is, with no one driving the AFLP party, with all the donations for the election spent (as per legislation requirements) it is merely a shell with a dry till. Unless another KC comes forward with a team of people and access to serious funding I would say the days of having a political party representing fisho's is over.
    That's sad to be honest.
    Guess I'll frame that shirt I got from KC for handing out how to vote cards; might be worth some money at some stage

    Given the media coverage that the AFLP received in the run up to the election, it's dissapointing to see the demise of the organisation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Ryan View Post
    However there is a strong groundswell of non political based associations gaining mindshare with governments. ECO Fishers in NSW is a good example as they represent thousands of fisherman in NSW and are doing amazing things down there. I and a couple of others met recently to discuss their success and get some hints and learn how they took a local issue and make it a state wide then national one. Watch this space is all I will say for now but their are exciting times ahead. All is not lost.
    Good stuff, I hope that it can take off.
    Keep in touch and let me know if there is anything that we can do here in the Far North; love my ability to go fishing, it's the one thing that keeps me sane and I'm not giving that up for anyone!!

    M: 0410 834 486

  13. #13

  14. #14

    Re: AFLP - Anyone know...

    Sorry to be be avaoiding this but we are sitting on our hands (as advised) until after the court case between AEC and TFP has been determined.


  15. #15

    Re: AFLP - Anyone know...

    Quote Originally Posted by kc View Post
    Sorry to be be avaoiding this but we are sitting on our hands (as advised) until after the court case between AEC and TFP has been determined.

    Fair enough - thanks for the update Kev.

    M: 0410 834 486

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