Well I didn't get to go to the the north side comp (Nuggets) today but was able to get out last night. First off I went to the lake I went to last week but wasn't going off like it did, I did however catch a 43cm tailor on a live. It just bit through the 25lb trace as i landed him, let him go and had nothing for an hour or so. Headed to my usuall spot and only caught a small bream on fresh mullet, waited for the turn of the tide (so I thought it did) but didn't get a look. Chucked all the left over poddies back (a good 10) and took everything back to the car except the livie which was to go for another swim in a different spot. So I had no torch, no landing net, no lip grips etc...... well what a mistake that wasthe tide was still moving just and big fish were busting up left right and centre
only 2min after the poddie goes out and Bang zzzzzzz he had come so close to busting me off and then trying to land it in the dark was just as hard. I couldn't belive the size of him and bolted to the car to get the pliers and bragmat, he went 54Cm's! Woohoo!!!! I have been wanting to make the 50 club this season
Unfortunately it had scoffed the hooks down and I couldn't get the treble stinger out of its guts so he became tonights dinner.
The pic is crap because I left my camera in the car for a week and cooked it
Cheers, Mick.