Hi Guys,
After having just sold my Qunitrex 480 Top Ender last week, I’m now looking at plate boat options in the 4.8 to 5m range in a centre console configuration. It was time up for the old girl, with nearly 500hrs racked up on the 60 HP Yammy she’d served me very well. I looked at plate boats in great detail just before I purchased the Quintrex second hand a few years ago, but at the time it was just too good a deal to pass up, so I bought it. I was looking at 4.5 tiller AMM’s and fishers, but since owning a 4.8m remote steer I have decided that’s the perfect size for me, as It can safely take me to the places I want to fish (The cape, Caloundra wide) and I can manage it on my own. This time round I have decided to build what I really want though and go with a true plate boat. It’s essential I get it right this time as iv had 5 boats now, and this will be the last according to the squeeze. I think owning a side console has made me want a centre console even more. I found myself to be standing more than sitting whilst driving, as it’s easier on my back through the bay chop and I can get a much better view of the water, and what’s going on ahead of me. I plan to fit all the electronics out myself and basically just want an unpainted no nonsense fishing hull.
I’m very open to opinions and seeking lots of suggestions, as to what’s out there. Im located on Brisbane’s north side and have a fairly good idea as to where most of the reputable boat builders are located.
I plan to do a bit of research and visit the builders one by one and ask questions again.
AMMs 4.8 and 5.2 CV (If anyone has one or info/Pics would be greatly appreciated)
Riptide Alloy Boats look like the build a fantastic rig! Can’t get their web page to work?? Again anybody with any info or pic’s of one in 5m C/C would be appreciated
Nobel Engineering? Anyone have one in 5m size? Info/pics, ( I really like Jason Comino’s big Noble C/C from northside marine)
Fisher Boats, I loved their 520 dual.... and that probably would have been my choice but.................
Rebel Boats? Blue water alloy boats? Black Pearl Marine? Any one had any experiences with a boat that size?
I planning on using a 75-90hp Outboard either Honda, Suzie, yammy again even, the new 09 Suzie 90 looks fantastic and light!, However that decision will come late down the track.
Trailer will probably be a Belco- i beam trailer.
Sorry for such a long write up guys just seeking everyone ideas/opinions/experiences. Any help given would be greatly appreciated, and im sure will help towards making my final decision as to who I im going to get to build my boat.
Thanks Beau