Missus woke up as says she wants to go fishing today - woohoo. Pack up the boat, drop the tin lids at day care and we head off for a late start. Didn't expect much as there has been a bit of rain there over the last few days, it was howling winds, rainy, the barometer was down and the reports weren't good. Didn't matter as I had a few more areas that I wanted to look at on the dam and I wasn't mowing.
On the water, it was windy, showery and overcast. Bass were holding deep and off the bite. We flung the long wand around without luck (wind was causing us real grief) and finally went to hardbodies and SPs. Prospected around a found a nice inlet with plenty of weed and snags. Missus camped down for a while whilst I kept up the illusion that I knew what I was doing. Flung a HB against a weed bed and the water exploded as a really decent sized bass engulfed the lure and head for the depths sending the drag screaming - finally a big bass from Borumba!! Worked it back to the boat after a good fight and then it went for one last run when it saw the boat. It took several metres against reasonable drag then bang - the lure was spat back at me still covered in weed. I was shattered, angry and crushed. A bit later, I was checking the leader for damaged and notice that the treble was busted with one arm straigthen and another broken off. Teaches me for being lazy and not changing the trebles to decent ones as soon as it is bought. The lure was near new and only landed one toga. Bugger - silly bastard. Will be going through my current collection as making sure I haven't missed any others. It keeps ringing in my ears that old saying that it will be a fish of a lifetime that exposes weakness.
Atleast I know there is bigger bass there. I am guessing it was mid to high forties in length but I only got a look at about 2m away. With a few rums into me, it will be close to a metrey
Apologise for the really blury photo of the treble, but it is the best I had and you can pick out the straighten hook and the other broken one.