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elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!
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Thread: elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!

    Spent a few hours on each of the previous 4 or 5 days Hunting and Gathering out on Moreton Bay.

    The main target initially was Mackerel, and after some time searching, found ourselves in the thick of the action along the South- Western area of Moreton Island.
    The first school of Spotties were very willing with an immediate bite-off and a couple of pulled trebles. Our hopes were high as we approached a second pod of these thrashing silver bullets. I cut the engine and drifted alongside them within easy casting range. Repeated casts failed to get a hit, the bait fish were scatering everywhere but our 20 - 40 gram assorted slugs were being ignored .
    By the time the penny dropped and a 10gram offering may be required, the action had gone quiet..........bummer !!

    Fishless on the Macks !!

    Next day was a change of pace with a visit to our old stomping ground of Wellington Point. With Timmy and David aboard a second vessel and Lillian again aboard as my deckie, a pre-dawn start was in order.
    With the wind puffing a steady 15 kn with showers, it was a reluctant start as we idled out and around the jetty and out through the leeds of the Wello Channel.
    Anchors down on daybreak and out goes the fresh squid and half pillies on 2/0 hooks and pea sinkers. As the seas settle the fish start hitting the eskies !
    Grassie Sweetlip and small snapper are the common captures, some keepers some throwbacks but all good fun to catch.
    Nothing huge, legal size to 35cm are good lippers for this area. Also had one lone legal Snapper at 36cm. Well done to those that caught more than others, you know who you are David and Lill .

    While buzzing around the bay, it's always worthwhile dropping a few Crab Pots. Hard to beat a feed of fresh crabs. Although the numbers were not huge, a dozen Sandies over 2 days made it worthwhile from our 4 pots.

    I think I'm ready for another attack on those Mackerel.............


  2. #2

    Re: elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!

    looks like you guys had them well and truely sussed. - the grassies that is-

    shame about the macks but there are a few good feeds there.


  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!

    Nice feed of solid grassies there. Well done
    Cheers Freeeedom

  4. #4

    Re: elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!

    I am so jealous. I love a feed of sweeties.

  5. #5

    Re: elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!

    Well done guys, i'd be very happy with that haul. Those grassies sure go hard for their size and taste great too!

  6. #6
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!

    Nice haul of lippers mate, christ dont you ever work ????
    Say Hi to Lillian
    Oh by the way mate, you looking bloody old in that pic ????
    Too much pressure in Fisheries eh

  7. #7

    Re: elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!

    good work mate. unlucky about the macks but that's a nice feed of grassies!

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member nuggstar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!

    that would have been a fun sesh. top fishing
    figjam :wink:

  9. #9

    Re: elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!

    Yeh nice haul there for off wello point. Those grassies do go hard for their size, especially on light gear! Great days fishing

  10. #10

    Re: elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!

    nice work craigie, still have the magic touch

    Tangles KFC

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member skipalong's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!

    nice feed mate looks like you got a great little spot

    cheers justin

  12. #12

    Re: elusive Spots, but Grassies and Sandies !!

    Nice bag of fish there. Makes a good seafood basket with the crabs.


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