Hi everyone,
I fished around Shorncliffe and Sandgate for the past 20 years and like many enthusiasts I have experienced much disappointment fishing off the Shorncliffe pier in recent years. It is a great jetty with good structure and now even great facilities but not to many fish. Why? I am interested to hear Ausfish members theories as to why Shorncliffe offers poor fishing and other jettys in the greater Brisbane area seem to fish fairly consistently. I don't believe it is caused by line fishing. I do believe bait netting is a contributing factor. I believe most recreational fishers only take what they need and I am sure I am not the only one to see a few really over do it. I have witnessed and challenged a few people for systematically working the pier from pillar to post leaving nothing behind. No bait fish, no predator fish, no recreational fishing and no fun. I remember a time when we collected pipis and chased soldier crabs on the sandgate beach front. Again something that also seems lost from the bay. I hope this stimulates some productive comments.