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Thread: Aussie day on the water reeps good results for brother.

  1. #1

    Aussie day on the water reeps good results for brother.

    went for a flick today around my old faithfully spot that will soon be green zone .

    I scored the first fish being a 45ish flatty. As my brother is always the first to boat a fish my was starting out well. with him throwing all sorts of names at me and his new outfit .

    Decided to go check out a new spot. It wheeled nothing but a few lost tails.

    Pulled stumps but on the way home i checked out a spot that had produced a PB for me in he past.

    Low and behold his second cast at a mangrove BANG with a yell "I'm on and its huge". A good 5 min later i see a massive flatty. After another minute or so the big girl was boated going 81cm. after a couple of high fives and photos she was released to produce more of the flat ones.

    She was sitting in roughly 2 foot of water and roughly 1m form the mangroves.

    His new gladiator 4kg snake skin rod with symetre 2500 and 6lb sunline super PE line has been blooded a way that he had never of dreamed.


  2. #2

    Re: Aussie day on the water reeps good results for brother.

    some how it double posted without the photo.
    woops sorry guys

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