Please let us know how you go Joe.
I've been meaning to try out singles on a few lures for a while now as I know some experienced guys have had a lot of success with them, the added advantage apparently being that with singles there is less for the the Barra to use against you in terms of leverage.
I haven't fished with stickbaits much, I only have a few and one is a one-off Peter Newell lure I won off Alistair in a bet, although I don't think I can even bring myself to use that lure now
I have mucked around with single hook stingers on plastics but haven't tried them on any HB's yet - maybe something I better try next trip!
p.s. I just realised that you were the other madman with Al when the hail hit you guys in the yaks last year - you guys are very lucky you didn't get seriously hurt that day!