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Thread: redclaw npd

  1. #1

    redclaw npd

    just wondering if there has been any caught lately...going to give it a go there next saturday nite,.....cheers rosco

  2. #2

    Re: redclaw npd

    HI Rosco,

    I haven't noticed anyone trying to pot redclaws recently including afew times when I've fished at night during the Xmas break.

    IMO, with the recent rises in water levels and no established weedbeds, they may not be overly active or breeding.

    OR, those that are catching them are doing it on the quiet to stop a stampede of hopefulls.


  3. #3

    Re: redclaw npd

    I wouldn't waste your time, speaking to a bloke the other day,him and his son and a mate had 12 pots in over night and only had 1 small one for their efforts. If we get a bit more water I would say next year will be a bumper season.

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