with a break in the rain on friday arvo after it flogged down in the morning, me & mozza made a quick decision to go out into the bay & catch some good fish. we got down to palleranda ramp about 7.00pm, we didn"t wast time getting to our mark as the sun was going down pretty quick & with a smooth sea that made the trip a whole lot better. this was the second trip out in good weather since i named the boat "hyper-active" & the name lived up again.
coming up to the mark there was another 2 boats sitting there 1 each side, so we sat about 30mtrs off it as there is a fair bit of rubble around it. these other 2 boats both had squid lights in so they were there chasing fingermark & we were going to do the same! 5mins past & the squid started to come around the light & it did not take long to have the live bait tank full of squid & some of these were big 1"s.
i kept all the squid heads from the last trip that we bought home to eat (2kgs), & started fishing with these & the grunter were straight on to them, catching 3 nice 1"s in about a hour's fishing. 2 going about 2.5kgs & 1 going about 3kgs, the quility fish shut down & the sharks started (only little 1"s) these got annoying but than they were gone too. there was no fingermark at this spot so a move was called for, following the swell back to the next mark made for a smooth ride & mozza was impressed (being a flat bottom). anochering up over the top of this mark we wasted no time getting the squid down, mozza"s reel started to scream & what ever it was it was not stopping his rod was boucing from the force of this run but snap & it was over, than his other rod goes off & a little shark bits him off so now he has no lines in the water until he re rigs them.
thats when my squid gets hammered but after a very short fight i pulled the hook from this fish, mozza has a line back in & not long after he gets bricked on his live squid (rigging up again hey mozza). i get another squid down & it didn"t take long & after a tuff fight i have what we came for beside the boat & mozza with his great landing net skills has him in the boat for me, all 82cm & 8.4kg of big brusing fingermark! it turned out to be the only 1 for the night but that did not stop mozza from catching monster"s from the deep. the first was a huge (& i reckon a mtr+ long) catfish, the second...well after a back breaking tussle he pulls this 30+kg shovelnose shark in (he tells me this is the biggest fish he has caught). so cutting it off & setting it free we decide to call it a night, getting home aroung 1am & putting the boat away i could see lighting & could hear thunder (good timing), mozza tells me today that we got 50ml"s.
i was goining to go again tonight but you geussed it it" raining again, tomorrow might be different & if it is good i plan on taking my young falla out, i so much want to put him onto a big fingermark!