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Thread: Canvas Canopy Care

  1. #1

    Canvas Canopy Care

    I would like some thoughts on how to care for the new canopy canvas on the boat.

    I tried some stuff on the old canopy that you had to paint on with a brush and found it made the canvas stiff as a board.

    Is there something that will leave the canvas flexible yet still waterproof.


  2. #2

    Re: Canvas Canopy Care

    Canvas should be pretty waterproof without treatment after an initial spray of water which will shrink it a bit.

  3. #3

    Re: Canvas Canopy Care

    I use scotchguard. Its a spray made by 3M. Makes it a lot easier to clean as dirt doesn't stick. It needs to be re applied every couple of years.

  4. #4

    Re: Canvas Canopy Care

    yes i got all new bimini covers etc put on my boat the chap says use some mr sheen havnt used it yet buy yeah

  5. #5

    Re: Canvas Canopy Care

    Quote Originally Posted by jasonmicrobbo View Post
    yes i got all new bimini covers etc put on my boat the chap says use some mr sheen havnt used it yet buy yeah
    mr sheen is silicone

  6. #6

    Re: Canvas Canopy Care

    I sprayed me 8 year old canopy with 3 cans of silicone spray.
    It looks nice! and easy to clean, but it still ain't water proof.
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