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Thread: Ausfish in the courier mail

  1. #1

    Ausfish in the courier mail

    Thats right ,here is the link :,00.html

    It turns out we are all rednecks according to Simon Baltais.
    At Heaven's gate a soldier stood,
    his story ready to tell,
    St Peter said, 'no need my son all is understood,
    Go right in cos you've already served your time in Hell'

  2. #2

    Re: Ausfish in the courier mail

    Thanks for that, at lest it looks like he and the general scenario is getting a spray from some in the comments.

  3. #3

    Re: Ausfish in the courier mail

    I commented as follows:

    Does Simon Baltais actually care for the Bay? not a word we heard from him about the dredging for the 2nd Airport Runway, the destruction of the adjoining creek and mangroves which are the breeding grounds of the Bay. The amount of sand removed would fill semi trucks from here to London.

    Simon Baltais also says nothing about dumping all the waste material back into the bay at Mud Island, as its considered to toxic for land dumping. It is of course all those redneck fishos fault, talk about one-eyed?

    Maybe the grants and dollars from the Government to the Green groups Simon Baltais is involved in colours his tune? Simon Baltais solution is simple, ban fishing whilst doing nothing about pollution and destruction of the Bay for development?

    getting a bit old now isnt branding fishers as redneck, nothing more redneck than agreeing with whats going on destroying the mangroves and sand banks of Moreton bay for the airport, also those sand banks being dredged have 15% seagrass which Simon Baltais green group the AMCS seems so fond of,, but not a word about it, why? bought and paid for.

    Mike V
    Tangles KFC

  4. #4

    Re: Ausfish in the courier mail

    My sentiments exactly guys. Letter sent.... will be interesting to see if they post it.

  5. #5

    Re: Ausfish in the courier mail

    My comment, from my position as President of SOBA, to them was never posted on their site. Might have been sailing to close to the truth for them to publish. Wish I kept a copy of it now.

  6. #6

    Re: Ausfish in the courier mail

    There is a lot of anger within many of us for unnecessary closures, but be wary of the trap of an un-vented anger in words that make you look like a 'Red-neck'.
    It almost seems to me that the Courier-Mail 'Green' journo is pushing this agenda to get a news worthy response.
    As pointed out to me, in his article, he never got a rec anglers (eg. SOBA), view point.

  7. #7

    Re: Ausfish in the courier mail

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Ryan View Post
    My comment, from my position as President of SOBA, to them was never posted on their site. Might have been sailing to close to the truth for them to publish. Wish I kept a copy of it now.
    Don't give up yet, it took them a day and a half to post my comment

  8. #8

    Re: Ausfish in the courier mail

    It's been posted Mike V.
    Good work.
    Cheers and thanks.

    "Tackle Whore on a budget..."
    Gonzo II – Brooker 4.5m 40hp Yam & Outlaw Kayak
    Fish Well, Fish Egrell

  9. #9

    Re: Ausfish in the courier mail

    Quote Originally Posted by watta View Post
    My sentiments exactly guys. Letter sent.... will be interesting to see if they post it.
    Well ill be

  10. #10

    Re: Ausfish in the courier mail

    Quote Originally Posted by Black_Rat View Post
    Well ill be

    Thanks mate..... I hope the journo actually reads these replies and does a little homework himself. Might take a less green approach the next time he writes.

    Chris, I hope yours gets published too. I would be interested to see how you tackled this opportunity to get one back.


  11. #11

    Re: Ausfish in the courier mail

    I chose to have a go at the author and editor. I doubt ill be published for exactly the same reasons i wrote my comment. Modern journalism is dead and so is the CM's ability to publish a fair and unbaised article and it makes me angry.


    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  12. #12

    Re: Ausfish in the courier mail


    My words are similar to Mike's and the others on the site. It came from me as the foundation president of SOBA basically saying that rec fisho's care more for the environment that anyone gives us credit for. It highlighted Mr Baltais' lack of comprehension of what makes up a rec fisherman and that he was mighty quiet when the EPA were steamrolled by State Development for that damn runway project. I also said what has become a catch cry, rec fisho's are part of the solution, not the problem and as soon as the Government get some balls to actually talk to those on the water and not an association representing just fishing clubs, then we will fight until we are heard.

    or words to that affect.....


  13. #13

    Re: Ausfish in the courier mail

    I met Simon Baltais

    When he won the Healthy Waterways award in 2007 He is pictured driving a tinnie - with a high polluting 2 stroke outboard (OEDA zero star rated) . he didnt seem to think that was important.

    Mr Baltais is a vegetarian.

    In teh courier Mail story Mr Baltais say that Green zones are for protection not just to stop rec fishing . yet the ONLY thing banned in a Green zone is fishing. So in what other way does it "protect" ?

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