Hi guys,
today a mate of mine and myself went for a fish in bulimba creek, only to get a couple bream ect, so we decided to pay a visit to minnippi parklands, to chase some eels (have caught 80cm ones before) and when i got there, i thought I saw a monster carp, so naturally i tried to catch it, then once it took my bait, I landed it to find that it was a 40cm tilapia, the first I have ever caughtIt was then killed wrapped up, and thrown in the bin.
next cast i was on again this time a 32cm model.
then we proceded to follow the school of about 100 around, trying to pick them off.
Only got another 4 for the day before I had to go home.
If anyone is in carindale and would like to join us on a kill off day, please PM me
also, we are thinking of asking for the councils permission to stock it with some native fish as it is brimming with lil guppie things. does anyone know the details about doing that?
Anyway, thanks for listening it was a great hour on the lake.
P.S. sorry about the poor quality pics, only had a phone with us.