The wind had dropped and we were keen as always to get out............... Couple mates from toowoomba were up and loved their fishing arrived on the friday afternoon and after a couple drinks and a quick BBQ for dinner we were loaded and off on our fishing adventure ................ But someone forgot to tell the wind to drop out a little more for us.
We travelled out to one of the islands behind the Keppel Island group around 10.30 pm and anchored up for a fish and a camp............ Around 1 0 am we hears a call MAYDAY from a boat at Karamea Banks taking on water and a boat close to them heard their call and reached then after about 10 mins, the poor guys we holding onto their submerged boat . Credit to the guy's in Maddy2 or Matty 2 i'm not sure for their rescue of these guys. The Coast Guard was in contact with them thru this process.
4 am see's us heading to Lisa Jane shoals for a fish but was slow there with 6 redjew coming on board but little of everything's else. So the decision was made to head out wider for some better fishing. While 5 km from our position we come upon massive schools of bonito and birds absolutely was livid with them with a couple boats passing thru trolling ............So out went our lures for a capture of a nice sized Mac Tuna for strip baits.
Onto our spot and we were onto fish straight up with spanish and stripeys and hussars coming in.
We managed a couple trev's and niced sized blueys red throat and cod adding to the esky ......... Down to my last small bunny we got one nice sized spanish before a 14 foot hammerhead started cruising around so that shut down the bite for a while.
2 dolphins came around after the shark motored off and hung around the boat for ages diving out of the water and ducking and weaving thru the swell in a playful manner . Few more stripeys and blueys were added to our collection before we decided around lunch time to head off for cleanup.
Awesome trip with some good results
Weather was good but i should start thinking about sunscreen as my face is lit up
like a beacon
The brother in law ended up out with us later and managed some nice fish to with one nice red emporer going 6 kg
Well that was our adventure