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Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3
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Thread: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

  1. #1

    Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    I was talking to one of the guys from the Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol today and he said that if they come accross a crab pot whilst going about their business, and it is not correctly marked then they will pull it and take it. He also said that the often go out checking crab pots and have pulled up to 500 in a day. So be warned. These guys dont just work 9-5 either. Mark your pots correctly or they will be confiscated.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member dogsbody's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    Wonder if the crabs go back

    Avast ye matey!

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    good on them.
    next ya speaking to them, tell 'em to head down the pine river, it needs a good tune up.



  4. #4

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    Quote Originally Posted by lippa View Post
    good on them.
    next ya speaking to them, tell 'em to head down the pine river, it needs a good tune up.


    I asked them to head up my local too, but they poor buggers only have a handful of staff to deal with all of moreton bay and all the creeks/rivers that run into it.

  5. #5

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    I hope they are only picking up illegally marked pots. 500?

    When I drop my pots I mostly watch them and work them hard. I have specific locations and precise deployment methods. I would be pi$$ed if I left one for overnight and they picked it up for picking it ups sake and dropped it 5 or 10 metres away from where it is supposed to be. Makes a big difference with muddies.

    I agree if the pots aren't marked properly, but just picking up pots?

  6. #6

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    Quote Originally Posted by sandbankmagnet View Post
    I hope they are only picking up illegally marked pots. 500?

    When I drop my pots I mostly watch them and work them hard. I have specific locations and precise deployment methods. I would be pi$$ed if I left one for overnight and they picked it up for picking it ups sake and dropped it 5 or 10 metres away from where it is supposed to be. Makes a big difference with muddies.

    I agree if the pots aren't marked properly, but just picking up pots?
    If they don't lift them, how would they know if they are correctly marked? These guys and gals are pretty fair, I doubt they would go out maliciously damaging or moving gear.

    BTW, leaving pots in for muddies overnight is not a good idea, they are great escape artists and will often damage you pots whilst trying to get out. And if they dont get out they will often end up beating each other up!

  7. #7

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    Leaving pots in overnight for muddies is a bad idea? Beats having them sitting next to me in the campsite.

  8. #8

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    I can see with the new regs comming in they will have to lift the pot to check compliance.

    I recon is some creeks they would have to be towing a rubbish barge if they were to remove every, abandoned, non compliant or unmarked pot.

    Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.

  9. #9

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    why lift the pots? why not check people at the ramp for compliance? Sure they aren't in use at that stage but they should have some stage of notification and warning about new regulations. I mean the whole idea is to save marine life isn't it? or is it revenue raising? Yes, abandoned pots should be cleaned up. But at the expense of the person trying to do the right thing?

  10. #10

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    yeah I seen somone in the shultz (North Brisbane near the airport) once blatantly had at least ten pots out in line, they where either pros or just plain ignorent of the laws of how many pots you can put out.


  11. #11

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    Quote Originally Posted by struktcha_man View Post
    yeah I seen somone in the shultz (North Brisbane near the airport) once blatantly had at least ten pots out in line, they where either pros or just plain ignorent of the laws of how many pots you can put out.


    Maybe there were 3 on board?


  12. #12

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackened View Post

    Maybe there were 3 on board?

    might be right, it was pretty blatent


  13. #13

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    Why do they have to lift the pots.

    Because so many of them don't see dry land for months.

    there are plenty out there with a good amount of marine growth on them.

    If you want to use dodgy pots, its best to not get caught with them, the best way not to get caught with them is not to put them in your boat or bring them ashore.

    not it is also a requirement that pots should be checked at least every 24 hours... there are plenty that arent.

    so the inspectors could very easily apply a tag to the opening of a pot and pull it next day.....if the pot has not been checked and the tag removed...they are quite within their rights to confiscate and prosecute.

    Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.

  14. #14

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    Is there a link somewhere i can read where i have to check them every 24 hrs.I check mine mostly every 20 minutes but there have been occaisions where when i run them thru the week after work and i get held back,i have to skip a day.Id be plenty pist if my pot got confiscated in that intance.

  15. #15

    Re: Stolen Crab Pots - Part 3

    Quote Originally Posted by chewy01 View Post
    Is there a link somewhere i can read where i have to check them every 24 hrs.I check mine mostly every 20 minutes but there have been occaisions where when i run them thru the week after work and i get held back,i have to skip a day.Id be plenty pist if my pot got confiscated in that intance.
    There is no rules stating how long you can leave a pot in the water. They just have to be marked as stated in the rules. This is where one of the problems lie, when do you decide if a pot is deralict? If the pot is correctly marked, then it is legal, even if its covered in slime and has 20 dead fish frames and crabs in it.

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