Okay, so before I get smashed for posting this, yes I'm aware theres about 20 threads already on this and I have searched and looked through a bunch!
But basically I'm thinking to buy a new cast net obviously and not sure what I should go for.. I've decided on Mono as all the posts seem to indicate it's the best material to go for...
But I'm not sure about top pocket, bottom pocket or drawstring.
From what I've gathered top pocket is better for prawns, bottom for baitfish, draw for both?
I'm mainly doing it for baitfish but I wouldn't mind prawns if I could get them! haha... but my main question to anyone whose used one or has one, is have they had many problems with getting snags or such on the drawstring? - My main concern is as I'm casting into estuaries and rivers... pulling the draw around a nice big rock or such and tearing up the net.
Any advice or experiences with this?