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Home Made Lures
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Thread: Home Made Lures

  1. #1

    Home Made Lures

    Hi all,
    Lately my friends and I have been thinking of making some lures for a bit of fun, along with maybe saving money.
    I'm thinking of making one out of balsa wood, then colouring it ect, and am seeking advice on what is the easiest way to make good lures as I have hardly any tools .

    Any help, (or pictures) would be greatly appreciated.

    I Fish, I catch, I SNAG

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Home Made Lures

    Hi snagking

    Been a long time since I made lures, but I used to turn out quite a few when I was a whipper-snapper. I assume you are talking carved minnow-type lures. Balsa is actually a pretty bad choice ... yes, I know that Rapala et al all use it, but unless you have access to the sort of commercial sealants that they use, you will find it too fragile, and easily waterlogged. The first decent fish will destroy it, so don't bother.

    If you are hand shaping your lures, try beech, which is a reasonably durable, fine-grained timber that is easily carved and much better weighted. Pine is okay, but I remember it as much tougher to carve nicely becausle of the inconsistent grain.

    You don't need many tools. A small hand saw (tenon saw), a vice (not necessary but advisable), tough pen knife, a hand drill, pliers, tin snips, a metal file and sandpaper will get you there.

    First, sketch out the profile of your lure (start with something basic!) on a piece of stiff cardboard, then cut it out. Trace it onto your timber on both sides...choose a plank 1 inch thick for most lures 4-6 inches long, (barra sized) 3/4 inch for anything smaller (bass and flatties). Cut it out with your trusty saw. Doesn't matter if it isn't can smooth the edges out when carving. But BEFORE you start carving, cut a slot for the bib (actually, a finer bladed saw may be better than a tenon saw here). You must make sure this slot is pretty straight or your lure won't swim. Then start carving , making sure not to slice any fingers off. Sand to finish.

    Use a small drill bit to drill holes for the eyelets (some people cut a slot down the entire body for a single piece of wire forming the eyelets, but not me). Tightly twist some stainless wire to form the eyelets...if the eyelet holes are 1 inch deep, then start with a piece of wire at least 2.5-3 inches long (which when twisted produces a hook hanger 1 inch long). Make sure the twisted wire is a very slightly bigger in diameter than the hole (trial and error here), so that you have to corkscrew it into place, after daubing the wire generously with 24hr araldite. Let it sit for a day.

    Cut a bib out of a piece of 1mm thick aluminium ( I used to use one of my mum's cooking pot lids....shhh) or galvanised metal. It will also take trial and error to get the shape right, so don't glue it into place right away. Instead, wedge it into place somehow...i used to use thin bits of drinking can aluminium as wedges. Install hooks and swim test in the bath, wiggling and twisting the bib and trimming it until right...then remove the wedges and use a pencil to mark the position of the lure on the bib, then file edges smooth. Let lure dry before aralditing it in place too. Paint it (undercoat, sand smooth, undercoat, sand smooth, spray paint, varnish) and you are done.

    It's a very rewarding hobby....hope they work.

    best wishes

  3. #3

    Re: Home Made Lures

    Mmmmm. Interesting.
    Anybody with any basic body profiles??
    I intend on living far so good

  4. #4

    Re: Home Made Lures

    Thanks heaps ian!
    I might just go and experiment

    Thanks again!
    I Fish, I catch, I SNAG

  5. #5

    Re: Home Made Lures

    Finga, I have a picture of one I designed earlier.

  6. #6

    Re: Home Made Lures

    How long is that matey?
    I intend on living far so good

  7. #7

    Re: Home Made Lures

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    How long is that matey?
    he told me 2.5cm, and approx wieght of 2-3 grams
    I Fish, I catch, I SNAG

  8. #8

    Re: Home Made Lures

    OK, I have posted this before but I will do it again, as I am a very simple type of person I tend to do things the easy way, I have made heaps of home made poppers, not very flash but they work a treat, all I do is get some dowel of the size I think at the time, cut the end at 45 degrees, drill a hole right through the centre (if they are shortish poppers), put some wire through, with some glue, twist the ends to make a loop at each end to attach some split rings and trebles and it's done, tried painting them a thousand different colours, but plain old wood colour works just as good as anything, to make jigs I just used stainless rod of varying diameters, drill a hole at each end for the split rings and your done, cost nothing, work a treat and strong as buggery, I also had a mate that could get hold of 1X 1/4" stainless bar, that also worked well as a jig, if you use thin stainles rod (about 1/4") you can make a great Garfish imitation casting lure, how easy is all that?? does not look too professional, but who cares if it works huh?

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member mattooty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: Home Made Lures

    Another easy option for making bibs is using those little slots that you get given a thousand of when you buy a tackle box these days. They are the perfect size, relatively durable and easily shaped with sandpaper.
    As Noelm said, poppers are nice and easy to make with any size dowel, thicker and bigger, smaller and thinner, whatever floats! I've painted all mine white with a dab of black for the eye. No other colours and seem the hit fish anyway.
    another thing you might like to try is the reflective tape that you can buy from $2 shops and the like.Stick it on and epoxy over it or just replace it after a few uses.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Home Made Lures

    G'day guys!

    Here is some info that an Ausfishers passed on to me:

    Regards, Rob.

  11. #11

    Re: Home Made Lures

    Thanks Rob!
    I Fish, I catch, I SNAG

  12. #12

    Re: Home Made Lures

    Another I found on the site Rob has supplied
    I intend on living far so good

  13. #13

    Re: Home Made Lures

    I intend on living far so good

  14. #14

    Re: Home Made Lures

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    Mmmmm. Interesting.
    Anybody with any basic body profiles??
    Here is a design for a deep diver....
    Attachment 40897

  15. #15

    Re: Home Made Lures

    Nicely done
    I Fish, I catch, I SNAG

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