Bored as,sunday arv and sick of andy saying can we fish yet,i decided to throw the boat in a local creek,oout of the howling sou easter.Dropped the boat in at 4.30pm,pulled out 7pm.I landed 4 smalll bass in short time and andy was copping it big time.My fish were caught on a mask vibe(with no eyes).I should have known better.He has a run on some crappy spinnerbait(not my favourite type of lure )and puts 3 in the boat.I tie on a wise dog and after half an hr or so boof,miss..damn..twitch boof.. ..waaaiittttt..gotcha..on the 3rd go a fiesty little fella hits the net.In our boat a fish on surface is worth five the ribbing unbeatable..Its getting dark so we decide to have a couple more casts then bail.Andys Egrell loads up,im thinking bass,but a nice tannin stained barra comes clear of the water.only a little fish but a nice feeling when it hit the net considering the country it came out of.Couple of quick pics and away it went.It appears my gloating was a little premature .While im tidying up the boat andy sneaks iin a quick cast and the sound out braid crackling then cracking catches my attention.It seems a bigger bass decided it really wanted that poxy spinnerbait.Good riddance in my books .I copped crap all the way home.........AGAIN!!!!!!
The next morning saw us on the water at 4am Andy found another spinnerbait somewhere during the night ,ans so was casting that,i tied on a dogx
in the sk colour.After a few casts,a swirl.then nothing. a bit further along the bank it dissappears in a small implosion.Once again a little dark barra launches out of the water.After an acrobatic struggle hes netted and released. Just after sunup,andys starts squirming and pointing,i thought a green ant had bit him again,but as o look up a little platypus bobs to the surface and starts preening him/herself not ten yards from the boat them slowly paddles towards the bank and dives under some reeds.Absolutely magic.Where the water gets skinny i lose another little barra after a short fight ,then boat another one.Andy FINALLY gets a little bass on his spinnerbait,then on the way home lose a nice barra round 65 on a frenzy rattler,the little bass chem sparpened hooks just werent up to the prolonged fight.Not to worry there will be another day.on the way back he ramp i crack an icy cold xxxx and a great morning is complete