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ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible
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Thread: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

  1. #1

    ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    Just fitted a 75 Etec and when its running nothing but static on the 27 MHz radio. I've installed a VHF and clear transmission and reception. I would still like to use the 27 MHz has anyone had this problem and can it be solved ?

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatiable

    You might be able to fit a noise suppressor.

    I used to do this when fitting cheap amps in cars. It used to reduce the static a fare bit.


  3. #3

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    Hi Neil is there any brand that you could recommend ?

  4. #4

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    Complain to your dealer, its not your problem. The noise needs to be stopped at the source.

  5. #5

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    You'll find that is a common problem with e-tec's and nobody will do anything about it as Aussie is about the only place 27megs are used now.
    Might be time for an upgrade to VHF
    I intend on living far so good

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    Quote Originally Posted by SSMojo View Post
    Hi Neil is there any brand that you could recommend ?
    Sorry mate I've had a few drinks since I was on the tools.

    But Realandy has a point if its under warranty and fiited by a dealer get them mto sort it.


  7. #7

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    I have the same problem, it can not be fixed .It really shits you off that they don't say anythink about it until you have the motor fitted, I have been trying for the last 2yrs to get the proplem fixed ,as every one says Just get a VHF but i have alot of friends with 27 meg
    Cheers chris

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    Quote Originally Posted by Grey-Ghost View Post
    I have the same problem, it can not be fixed .It really shits you off that they don't say anythink about it until you have the motor fitted, I have been trying for the last 2yrs to get the proplem fixed ,as every one says Just get a VHF but i have alot of friends with 27 meg
    Cheers chris
    Have you tried a noise suppressor?

  9. #9

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    Ok if you were to take a second battery not connected to the etec charging sstem and use that would there still be interference??

    Trying to resolve if interference is
    Charging related - alternator
    induced via cables from etec near accessories
    Common battery
    Electro mag interference actually from under the hood - that would mean it probably doesn't meet aussie standards

    What have you tried?

  10. #10

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    Sorry for the late reply. I have fitted a VHF and problem solved . The 27 MHz is AM frequency that the etecs interfere with. No room in the boat for a third battery but Ive been told this would not solve the problem. Still investigating noise suppresses. The VHF fitted cost $300 I would still have fitted the motor if this was explained (very impressed with the etecs). I will try to contact BRP and seek their advice. Local dealer extremely helpful with this issue has given only honest and helpful advice.
    Thanks for the advice will update my findings later.

  11. #11

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    If the transmition is coming from under the cowl how about a tin foil cover for the motor as long as the ignition loom isn't acting as a aerial. An electronics guru could actually run a probe around your rig with the motor running and resolve where the problem is coming from and if it is on the 27MHZ band or just interference.

  12. #12

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    Quote Originally Posted by SSMojo View Post
    Sorry for the late reply. I have fitted a VHF and problem solved . The 27 MHz is AM frequency that the etecs interfere with. No room in the boat for a third battery but Ive been told this would not solve the problem. Still investigating noise suppresses. The VHF fitted cost $300 I would still have fitted the motor if this was explained (very impressed with the etecs). I will try to contact BRP and seek their advice. Local dealer extremely helpful with this issue has given only honest and helpful advice.
    Thanks for the advice will update my findings later.
    Who was your helpful local dealer...praise always welcome someone else may find it helpful.
    My old 2 strokes used to do the same thing and you just ran R (resistor) plugs and I am guessing that is not an option with ETecs..?

  13. #13

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    Supressors won't work - I went down the same path with the TLDI and I think its called RF interference and is from the injection system, comes thru the air, not via the wiring therefore supressors no help.

    You've already found the same answer as me: flick the 27 meg and go to VHF!


  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    My experience with my e-tec and 27 mhz radios -

    I have run a separate heaver supply cable, battery, installed an "inline noise filter", changed to the latest suppressor spark plugs all to no avail. When I unscrew the antenna the noise stops and also any in signal obviously.

    I have been told it's RF interference (as also mentioned by Moonlighter) being picked up by the antenna, and to purchase an "antenna noise filter" - I have not been able to locate such a piece of equipment (nor know if such a thing exists) - an Amateur Radio Operator (I radio wizz) suggested using Ferrite rods from Jarcar around the antenna as a trial. (I haven't tried that yet)

    Australia is probably one of the only countries using 27mhz for marine work - the reason the problem hasn't been addressed - I have VHF as well but have many friends that only use 27mhz especially when telling mates when they get onto a school of fish, so it is important to have the 27 working.

    Also some manufacture's radios handle the interference better than others.

    If there are any members who know of someone with information or have expert advice in this radio field please reply, as it'll help many members.


  15. #15

    Re: ETec & 27 Mhz Not Compatible

    Quote Originally Posted by Oscar View Post
    My experience with my e-tec and 27 mhz radios -

    I have run a separate heaver supply cable, battery, installed an "inline noise filter", changed to the latest suppressor spark plugs all to no avail. When I unscrew the antenna the noise stops and also any in signal obviously.

    I have been told it's RF interference (as also mentioned by Moonlighter) being picked up by the antenna, and to purchase an "antenna noise filter" - I have not been able to locate such a piece of equipment (nor know if such a thing exists) - an Amateur Radio Operator (I radio wizz) suggested using Ferrite rods from Jarcar around the antenna as a trial. (I haven't tried that yet)

    Australia is probably one of the only countries using 27mhz for marine work - the reason the problem hasn't been addressed - I have VHF as well but have many friends that only use 27mhz especially when telling mates when they get onto a school of fish, so it is important to have the 27 working.

    Also some manufacture's radios handle the interference better than others.

    If there are any members who know of someone with information or have expert advice in this radio field please reply, as it'll help many members.

    Spot on. If the noise is radiated then the only way to stop it is at the source. No filters on your radio of any description will work. Piss poor form from evinrude in my opinion.

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