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Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team - Page 2
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Thread: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team

  1. #16

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team

    My head just isn't right with hair so its got to be wayyyyyy below par shaved/coloured!

    I added to the kitty last night as well. Good luck and I hope you get a heap behind you!

  2. #17

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team

    Quote Originally Posted by Raesen View Post

    Mate I have just finished registering and successfully joined your team. I will be getting a colour as I did the shave thing a few years back and it wasn't a good look then, and it certainly hasn't improved with time.

    Steve, if you could just give me an idea on the following.

    1. As I collect money do I log in to your site or the leukemia site to register the amount.

    2. Do I keep the money and give to you on the day in March or progressively bank in your (or other) account.

    3. Receipts? If somebody wants a receipt, what's the go with that.

    Cheers mate. Glad to be of some help and hopefully we can raise some dough for a very very worthwhile cause.

    Cheers, Pete

    Thanks for joining

    They will send you out your info pack in the mail. It will have receipt books, etc.

    It is best to get people to sponsor you online. That way you don't have to worry about cash, receipts, etc. They just use their credit card online.

    Steve Brown

    Do Not Feed The Trolls

  3. #18

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team

    Good on you
    Guys / gals that have already ( and those in the future ) commited to a shave or colour .
    I'd joinin but I've got no hair left for a shave . ( Colourings NOT an option )

    Did the Worlds Greatest shave a few years ago & kept it a No 2 cut ever since

    I just added some $'s as a supporter .

    I hope Ausfish raise a heap for the Good Cause .
    Searaider 2

  4. #19
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team

    Thanks Steve for the info. Look forward to getting the pack and start chasin sponsors.


  5. #20

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team

    i would love to join the team guys but last time me and my mates organised a group to do it our school threatened us with expulsion from the college if we shaved our heads, they were just worried about the image of the school instead of people with leukemia
    There are three types of people in this world
    1. those who can count
    2. and those who cant

  6. #21

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team

    Thanks to those that have joined and donated so far.

    Total raised by Team so far: $567.00

    The Team so far

    Peter Jensen
    Phill Kliese
    Andrew Pearson
    Steve Brown

    Steve Brown

    Do Not Feed The Trolls

  7. #22

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team

    Well, I'm getting a haircut tommorrow, does that count?

    But good work with the fundraising everyone!
    I Fish, I catch, I SNAG

  8. #23
    Ausfish Silver Member Mtx's Avatar
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    Nov 2004

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team

    Guys, this is a very good cause, I have had my head shaved the last 4 years after my best mate lost his dad to Leukaemia. It really hits home when you see not only how it impacts the person suffering from the terrible disease but also how it impacts their family and friends. Alan was like a second father to me and after seeing what he and his family went through, I was determined to be able to help to try to make sure that people will not have to go through this alone.

    Until this happens to someone close, it is only natural to feel a little detached from the situation and not worry about making a donation.

    Last year, I was able to raise $2740, it is not a huge amount but every bit helps.

    Dig deep guys and support this great cause.


  9. #24
    Ausfish Platinum Member ronnien's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team

    do you need a credit card to put some $ in, if so is there another way?

    reels screamin aboard Hyper- Active

  10. #25

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team


    If you want to do it online you will need a credit card.

    You can sponsor someone in person and they can give you a receipt.

    Steve Brown

    Do Not Feed The Trolls

  11. #26

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team

    Good cause you blokes,I've kicked a couple of bucks in to see you on the way.

  12. #27
    Ausfish Platinum Member Nico.d.R's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team

    does it count if my hair is only about gauge 2 or 3 at the moment ? im in as long as it is on a saturday (the head shaving) , could you let me know the date of the shavings please . look forward to pitching in .

    cheers nico
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  13. #28

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team


    Shave date is 12, 13 or 14 of March. We don't have to do it all together as there may be people all over the place. You can get it done wherever you like. We will aim for the 13th and the possibility of a group shave, but join in no matter where you are.

    There are also event locations organised by the foundation, check out the website for details.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nico.d.R View Post
    does it count if my hair is only about gauge 2 or 3 at the moment ? im in as long as it is on a saturday (the head shaving) , could you let me know the date of the shavings please . look forward to pitching in .

    cheers nico

    Steve Brown

    Do Not Feed The Trolls

  14. #29
    Ausfish Platinum Member Nico.d.R's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Worlds Greatest Shave, sponsor or join the Team

    my name is down steve , lets raise some funds for a good cause .

    cheers nico
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  15. #30
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Hi Guys,

    Congratulations to all of you who are taking part in the "Shave" and to Steve for organising the group.

    I did the shave in 2006. It is a long story but I promised a cop in a pub in Tassie about 15 years ago that if I ever cut my hair I would do it for the Luekaemia Foundation. Well it took 15 years to get up the courage and it was the most liberating thing I have ever done in my life.
    One of our customers grandson's was going through treatment at the time and each week I would hear stories about his progress and the brilliant assistance the Foundation was giving his family. The money is not just about research but also about providing accomodation for families who have to move for treatment and lots of other services. I decided it was time. The day after I signed up I got news that a friend had passed away. She had a baby the same age as my little one.

    There are heaps of ways to raise money and you will find that no one will begrudge you asking them. I was lucky enough to raise a reasonable amount of money, with my customers and past business associates being unbelievably supportive.

    Good luck to all of you and think outside the square with ideas for how to get the money.

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