Hi all im working on a modification of my quintrex 385 explorer the photos show where we are with it at the moment but my question is what type of paint do i use to piant it when im finished to get it to the factory look i cant seem to find much on it so if anyone has ideas would be really apreciated
The mod includes putting wide gunnels in and a anchor well 2 new compartments in the front seat area with water tight hatches new panel for switch board new rodholders mounts on the side of the gunnels new stickers for the boat name barra explorer and replaceing the old quintrex ones new numbers of course um and another seat mount in thhe middle of the floor so when your fishing live bait on ya own i can use the pole from the lure seat and put a folddown seat in the mount and sit there on it new leds inside the gunels for floor lighting