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385 explorer modification
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Thread: 385 explorer modification

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    385 explorer modification

    Hi all im working on a modification of my quintrex 385 explorer the photos show where we are with it at the moment but my question is what type of paint do i use to piant it when im finished to get it to the factory look i cant seem to find much on it so if anyone has ideas would be really apreciated

    The mod includes putting wide gunnels in and a anchor well 2 new compartments in the front seat area with water tight hatches new panel for switch board new rodholders mounts on the side of the gunnels new stickers for the boat name barra explorer and replaceing the old quintrex ones new numbers of course um and another seat mount in thhe middle of the floor so when your fishing live bait on ya own i can use the pole from the lure seat and put a folddown seat in the mount and sit there on it new leds inside the gunels for floor lighting

  2. #2

    Re: 385 explorer modification

    Mate that is a seriously good looking job in the works there. Can I just ask what purpose widening the gunnels serves? I assume you won't be walking around the gunels on a 385 so is it for strength?

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    Re: 385 explorer modification

    Quote Originally Posted by spelchek View Post
    Mate that is a seriously good looking job in the works there. Can I just ask what purpose widening the gunnels serves? I assume you won't be walking around the gunels on a 385 so is it for strength?

    one reason is strength also to make it look similar to a explorer trophy at half the cost another is to give me more casting deck space another is to give me more storage area and i suppose to give me the closet thing to the boat i wish i could afford for a fraction of the cost

    I have done things to it over the past few years to get it to where i want and this is the finally trick and i think it will look a treat i just got to find out what paint to use so we use the good stuff to make sure it hardens properly and should be good as gold
    It will have 5 compartments a anchor well a leccy motor mount all the things i need to give me a complete boat

  4. #4

    Re: 385 explorer modification

    Mate the guys at Altex coatings might be able to help you out. They are on the Gold Coast at the Coomera Marina.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    Re: 385 explorer modification

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Ryan View Post
    Mate the guys at Altex coatings might be able to help you out. They are on the Gold Coast at the Coomera Marina.
    Im on the sunshine coast i have also had a rethink and might hold off on the paint and just give it a clean with some blitz alloy cleaner i think i cleans all the oxidation of the hull and brings it back to new alloy if i remeber right so i might give that ago first if that dont make it look good and even i will then go down the pianting road

    everyone how would i prep the alloy for painting as my mate will be doing it but im keen to know how to prep the hull

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: 385 explorer modification

    is the 40hp in the background off this?

    looks good, id like side gunnels on my 385 but lack the expertise to weld them

    they make life easier to hide wiring mount a sounder rod holders etc
    can aslo rest on them while casting, a 385 is a pretty stable boat

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    Re: 385 explorer modification

    Quote Originally Posted by stevej View Post
    is the 40hp in the background off this?

    looks good, id like side gunnels on my 385 but lack the expertise to weld them

    they make life easier to hide wiring mount a sounder rod holders etc
    can aslo rest on them while casting, a 385 is a pretty stable boat
    yeah im lucky i guess having a mate in the industry save me a hell of a lot of money getting him to do it and me help him
    and yes they are very stable and no the motor in the background is a 140 suzuki for his 6.5 metre boat

  8. #8

    Re: 385 explorer modification

    Dont worry bout the paint mate, just gets scratched by the timber when your chasin after thos big fish in the sticks!
    Good project Simon, but Im a bit disapointed by the amount of potentially dangerous power tools you have out, and only one beer in the pic?

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: 385 explorer modification

    The job you have done looks exceptional mate you must be proud of it
    If you are going to get it painted you can get proper marine paint it is expensive but does the job and would complete all your hard work. Well done
    Shows how good sunny coast peopl;e can be he he

  10. #10

    Re: 385 explorer modification


    This is a practical suggestion as well as pretty. I bought a Holden Rodeo a few months ago as a boat tractor and wanted to protect the tub.

    After some research I decided to get a liner sprayed on by SPEEDLINER. The job was done at Caboolture and the guys there are brilliant. They do all sorts of stuff including work for council on light poles.

    They preserved all the drain holes and inspection panels on the Rodeo and did a magnificent edge to edge finish. They had an old boat in the shop being restored when I visited and it looked fabulous.

    It cost me $700 to have the tub sprayed. It added about 2kg to the vehicle weight. I reckon it has already paid for itself in damage reduction and has reduced panel drum in the car - should work a treat on the Quintrex.

    The SPEEDLINER website is or call the local dealer Caboolture on 5498 9453.

    PM me if you want to see the Rodeo.


    White Pointer

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    Re: 385 explorer modification

    Quote Originally Posted by White Pointer View Post

    This is a practical suggestion as well as pretty. I bought a Holden Rodeo a few months ago as a boat tractor and wanted to protect the tub.

    After some research I decided to get a liner sprayed on by SPEEDLINER. The job was done at Caboolture and the guys there are brilliant. They do all sorts of stuff including work for council on light poles.

    They preserved all the drain holes and inspection panels on the Rodeo and did a magnificent edge to edge finish. They had an old boat in the shop being restored when I visited and it looked fabulous.

    It cost me $700 to have the tub sprayed. It added about 2kg to the vehicle weight. I reckon it has already paid for itself in damage reduction and has reduced panel drum in the car - should work a treat on the Quintrex.

    The SPEEDLINER website is or call the local dealer Caboolture on 5498 9453.

    PM me if you want to see the Rodeo.


    White Pointer
    cheers thanks for that ill look into it

    BR65 yeah i think he likes to have the grinders and stuff close by so when hes finished trimming the bits as im holding he can tack them in place it looks messy but it works that is for sure yeah and i think i will see how it turns out once he finishs all the alloy work if its looks ok i may leave it unfinished if it look abit rough we will paint it for sure i priced the paint today 45 bucks for a litre of poly white and around the same for the etching primer
    so not to dear but the prep work willl be painfull so yeah i think uncoloured it may be

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member mylestom's Avatar
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    Re: 385 explorer modification


    Looks great, lots of work but well worth the effort. All the best with the new addition due shortly? Looking forward to catching up again.

    The new tinnie, well still in the shed. Still no Etec in Aus, maybe sometime in Feb.


    Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    Re: 385 explorer modification

    Quote Originally Posted by mylestom View Post

    Looks great, lots of work but well worth the effort. All the best with the new addition due shortly? Looking forward to catching up again.

    The new tinnie, well still in the shed. Still no Etec in Aus, maybe sometime in Feb.


    yeah i think so well worth the effort and yes should be good once he is born
    etec damm you have waited a while hope it turns up soon trev they are certainly holding you up that is for sure and i gather the other boat has sold already too so no boat to fish in bugger but i must say that doesnt supprise me big companys putting out new models and none in the country i wish when they did that they had a few here so people could get one straight away
    any way hope you get it soon and we will catch up for sure

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member mylestom's Avatar
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    Re: 385 explorer modification


    Well noted the he part, congratulations.

    Old boat gone long ago, if I had know how long before arrival of the new motor. Might have made a different decision. But stick it out now.

    Had time to had a few extras hatches to the 395 Explorer, so was nice to see what you have achieved with the 385.

    Should be nice to fit the $1.30 in, is that the new target.


    Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    Re: 385 explorer modification

    Quote Originally Posted by mylestom View Post

    Well noted the he part, congratulations.

    Old boat gone long ago, if I had know how long before arrival of the new motor. Might have made a different decision. But stick it out now.

    Had time to had a few extras hatches to the 395 Explorer, so was nice to see what you have achieved with the 385.

    Should be nice to fit the $1.30 in, is that the new target.


    nah ill be happpy with a 80cm model or a 90 if i get another over a metre it will be a bonus for me my goal is to get one on a placcy and one on a surface lure

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