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Checking Gps
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Thread: Checking Gps

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Checking Gps

    I have a hummingbird matrix sounder gps connected to an external antenna, the units coordinance are about 500 - 600 meters different to google earth reading when the boat is stationary in the back yard. Is google earth reliable, can anyone give me a gps mark they trust for a fixed position in the river mouth to green Is. area.


  2. #2

    Re: Checking Gps

    Check which datum's that your both using.
    I intend on living far so good

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Checking Gps

    yes mate both are set at WGS84.


  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: Checking Gps

    I would be surprised if your local Warterways Authority couldn't supply exactly what your after,for example,my local office situated in Ballina has the exact coordinate for the NE pylon of the Evans pontoon as well as one for a Pylon on the Ballina pontoon displayed in their office so people can check the accuracy of their GPS.In reality none of the units we use will be accurate enough to line up with these marks, they will however easily get us back to the spots that we have put into them,a lot of units though will allow you to factor in the error for navigating purposes if you want.

  5. #5

    Re: Checking Gps

    Quote Originally Posted by jerson View Post
    yes mate both are set at WGS84.

    But where they entered as wgs84, they don't convert very well in unit. I wouldn't trust google earth myself but 600m is a huge amount too much for either to be out without another factor in the mix.

    cheers fnq

  6. #6

    Re: Checking Gps

    Just checked my personal co-ords against google and I got roughly a 500m position is just crap is all, expected it but this is a huge amount!!

    I know my co-ords are correct as to be expected anyway.

    cheers fnq

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jun 2006

    Post Re: Checking Gps

    FNQ, just looked at beacon 2 beacon 2002 edition, coordinance given for waypoints look pretty good on google earth.
    Waypoint for my house wasn't entered into the gps, it was the reading from ths unit.


  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jun 2006

    Re: Checking Gps

    The unit in question is a matrix 12 with a 15 channel, i think, antenna, not many dollars. Am i expecting to much of it.


  9. #9

    Re: Checking Gps

    I suspect the accuracy will vary with each image on google, some will be calibrated closer and some further from real world, 500m is a lot though.
    I can do way better than that scanning a paper map, stitching it, then calibrating it myself for viewing on my software.

    If given the choice would tend to believe your GPS before any commercial co-ordinates.

    cheers fnq

  10. #10

    Re: Checking Gps

    It has been pointed out on here before that if you leave your GPS on for some hours with-out moving you will move all over the place on the screen, maybe not 600 metres?

    I ran around the top of Woody Island at Hervey Bay and the GPS said that I was on the outside of the Nth beacon when in fact I was heading over the shallow water on the inside! Then at the very next beacon, towards the harbour, it was exactly where it was on the GPS, go figure.

    Exactly the same happened years ago at the beacons on the west side of Mud Island, one was spot on, the other was a few boat lengths or more off, not much good if you were trusting these for black night boating!


  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Checking Gps

    Quote Originally Posted by jerson View Post
    I have a hummingbird matrix sounder gps connected to an external antenna, the units coordinance are about 500 - 600 meters different to google earth reading when the boat is stationary in the back yard. Is google earth reliable, can anyone give me a gps mark they trust for a fixed position in the river mouth to green Is. area.

    Quote Originally Posted by banshee View Post
    I would be surprised if your local Warterways Authority couldn't supply exactly what your after,for example,my local office situated in Ballina has the exact coordinate for the NE pylon of the Evans pontoon as well as one for a Pylon on the Ballina pontoon displayed in their office so people can check the accuracy of their GPS.In reality none of the units we use will be accurate enough to line up with these marks, they will however easily get us back to the spots that we have put into them,a lot of units though will allow you to factor in the error for navigating purposes if you want.
    Hi Jerson,

    I think Banshee has the answer with a known calibration point. Most state waterway authorities have at least one calibration point on water where you can site yourself and make a comparison between your receiver's computed co-ordinates and the surveyed co-ords at that point. To note the difference AT THAT TIME (some receivers may vary/spike by up to 30 metres over time) move your boat away from the calibration point until the co-ords match and estimate the difference.

    500m~600m differential does not add up.

    It would also be interesting to see what comparison you get with GE co-ords and the calibration co-ords.



  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Checking Gps

    I have just done a Google Earth check on a surveyed mark down in NSW and it is very close.



  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member Angla's Avatar
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    Re: Checking Gps

    I think we should all be very wary. I treat my 2 x GPS units as an aid to navigation, Not an absolute to navigation. I use my eyes to see where I am going and to confirm the route. I probably use the map GPS less than the cheap plotter unit.

    Some days the mark for Home is off by 20 odd metres at a guess and I would put this down to variation from satellite reception (cloud cover) and positioning (high above or near the horizon)


  14. #14

    Re: Checking Gps

    Hey Jeffrey H,

    I was at Hervey Bay the other day and the same thing happened to me on that North Beacon. I have a Lowrance 5200c with Navionics cartography. All the other beacons in that area are spot on, which makes me think that it may have been moved?????

  15. #15

    Re: Checking Gps

    Hi Pounda,

    That's what my wife said at the time, but I only recently updated the GPS, Lowrance 339i, not sure if that updates the maps or just the system. Suppose we could ask the auth. up there.

    Not going back there next Xmas though, always to windy and wet. Went to Fingal today and booked a holiday down there for July.


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