Hayy went out fishing for fish off the jetty in bongaree i used white bait Nothing
Was fishing for an hour i think
Hayy went out fishing for fish off the jetty in bongaree i used white bait Nothing
Was fishing for an hour i think
Make 1 thread with all the contents not like 5 ;p
Oh well - better luck next time. Why not walk down the beach a little from the jetty towards the south (as you look towards Redcliffe) and try Buckley's Hole and the drop off there. You might have some better luck there. All the best. Welcome to AUSFISH mate. Cheers, Darren.
Going up to bribie tmro to ma secret spot, for a fish with a mate, have fished the jetty twice and got nothing but apparetly they get macks off their.
Australian Native Fish VidsSpecialize in Terapontida's, Perches, Cods, Gobies & Gudgeons
Bad luck, get a cast net and throw a few little livies out at night, the full moon is coming up too.
If you still do no good then try somwhere else, lot of jettys get hammered these days with boat traffic and fisherman.
Thanks Everyone ill try and go to ur places to see id i can catch anything
cheers darryl