Originally Posted by
I am not convinced that sacrificial anodes on the interior of a boat will do a damn thing. Absence of corrosion is not proof that they are working.
There are all sorts of pepole in all sorts of trades that have interesting ideas ( i'm probably one of them).
I would sugest that washing your boat and putting sealer under all fasteners and attached hardware will be doing more than the anodes described.
There has to be at least a continuous film of water for a sacrificial anode to function..... have you unbolted your interior anodes and looked under them recently?
As long as aluminium is not compromised it can look after its self pretty well.
The two biggest compromises are intriduced dis-similar metals and traped moisture... often both in combination.
and that can occur every time you fasten anything to your boat. Aluminium is dis-similar to just about ever other metal so you need to seal up under every fastener and piece of hardware you bolt down.
Polyeurathane sealer, duralac, metal primer, or paint....all are better than nothing and all have theer advantages and drawbacks.