Originally Posted by
Scott nthQld
yeah, I don't think many places would have them atm, what with the high demand because everyone seemed to have left it til the last minute (myself included).
Try some inconspicuous places, like dive and navigation centres. Even here in Townsville they kept the fact that they had them quiet so that their regular customers (frequent divers) would be able to get them when they needed one. Some may have a few left.
Mum and Dad have been in Wollongong for the last 2 weeks and have been visiting every boat dealer, whitworths chandlery shop they could find, still didn't find one. I don't know how long or if the 406Mhz Epirbs are required in NSW, but it appears that Qld demand has had an impact on the availability in NSW too.
Until then, we just don't have any choice and will have to stay inshore. I reckon once they get more stock and more an more people finally get their's demand will finally subside and we might see a few better prices around. Another 4-6 months and they'll be down around $300 I reckon.....well I hope so anyway.