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406 EPIRB stock problem - Page 5
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Thread: 406 EPIRB stock problem

  1. #61

    Re: 406 EPIRB stock problem

    I brought the MT403G, and it is a marine unit. It complies with AS4280 and sold by GME as a marine unit. When I registered the unit on the AMSA website it clearly recognised the model under fitment to a boat.

    There was the choice to have it recognised for use in other transport modes i.e. vehicle and aircraft. I choose not to identify it for my vehicle at the moment, but if I was to plan a big trip away I include the vehicle and if the boat was home in the garage I would remove it from against the EPIRB’s HEX/UIN.

    The use of the AMSA website to register the EPIRB was quick and easy, first step was to create an account and then register the unit. It took me about 10 minute and it was all completed. Me personally I would not bother with fax or emails just login and register it. The use of the site would allow you quickly change the boat/vehicle/aircraft (if your that rich) that the EPIRB is registered against if you were loaning the unit to your mate for his boat.

    I reckon there would be a good chance that if you updated via the website it would update the register that the Safety monitoring centre in Canberra use straight away.

    I did purchase it from Bias Boating but they would not price match against Whitworths as Whitworths does not have stock to sell. Apparently there has been a price change (increase as usual) and Whitworths cancelled their order so their catalogue did not list it cheaper than the price they buy it at.

    My next problem is where I am going to mount the unit in my 4.4m side console, I may start a new thread that allows people to place a photo of where they mounted their unit, this way we can share the knowledge around.


  2. #62

    Re: 406 EPIRB stock problem

    Under Qld legislation, the EPIRB must comply with AS/NZ 4280.1.. NOT 4280.2, hence it does not comply on the water if you are pulled up..

    The details on the GME web page: regarding the use of "peace of mind for boaters" has to be questioned..

    Re the mounting of the unit - just make sure you keep direct sunlight away from the AMSA label. If the expiry date fades and is not readable, then the unit is deamed "expired" and therefore a fine could be applied.

  3. #63

    Re: 406 EPIRB stock problem

    Me thinks that the MSQ needs to update their publication to make it clear and remove possible confusion.

    I bought a PLB for more land use however believed that it would be OK for marine use.

    The link below is to the safety equipment and states compliance to AS4280 not part 1 or 2.

  4. #64

    Re: 406 EPIRB stock problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Poseidon View Post
    Me thinks that the MSQ needs to update their publication to make it clear and remove possible confusion.

    I bought a PLB for more land use however believed that it would be OK for marine use.

    The link below is to the safety equipment and states compliance to AS4280 not part 1 or 2.

    Qld Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2008

    ‘Division 2 EPIRB for particular ships
    ‘9 Application of div 2
    ‘This division applies to a ship in Queensland waters, other
    than a ship—
    (a) in smooth waters; or
    (b) in partially smooth waters; or
    (c) within 2n miles from land.
    Editor’s note

    ‘n mile’ is the symbol for ‘international nautical mile’

    ‘9A Ship to be equipped with EPIRB
    ‘(1) The ship must be equipped with an EPIRB that—
    (a) has an operational frequency of 406MHz; and
    (b) complies with AS/NZS 4280.1:2003; and

    just the usual fine print...

    Email us at with your questions or feedback about this website.

  5. #65

    Re: 406 EPIRB stock problem

    The EPIRB I brought is a MT403G not a MT410. The MT403G is an EPIRB even listed on the AMSA website as being an EPIRB, web address is even though they do not endorse and state to check the makers website.

    When I get a chance tomorrow will review the Australian Standard for 4280 and 4330.


  6. #66

    Re: 406 EPIRB stock problem

    Quote Originally Posted by No Barra View Post
    The EPIRB I brought is a MT403G not a MT410. The MT403G is an EPIRB even listed on the AMSA website as being an EPIRB, web address is even though they do not endorse and state to check the makers website.

    When I get a chance tomorrow will review the Australian Standard for 4280 and 4330.

    the 403 is classed as 4280.1.. check GME's web page:

    Meets AS/NZ 4280.1:2003 standards. C/S T.001/007.

  7. #67

    Re: 406 EPIRB stock problem

    Was in 2 southern states in the last week and all stores I came across had in excess of 50 EPIRBS in stock even the big chains who recenttly had "waiting lists" so it seems the big shortage is no longer . Those may change with furter state law changes but supply from manufacturers or importer seems to be back. One stor ewas phoning their list to find that 80% had bought elsewhere of had been listed on several shops of the same chain in case one got stock first- oops should have got deposits and firm orders so instead are sitting on stock with few buyers.

    Anyone still waiting and if so is it only for a GPS enabled on as I didn't see many of those?

    Burn baby burn to the blokes and stores who overorderd to make a killing are selling them at very high retail prices and still promoting a shortage scenario everywhere.
    I wonder if prices will return to reasonable again now if there is a consistant normal demand or even discounted a sthere is too many on shelves??

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