went for a fish in my tinnie this morning with my dad. got out to sunshine reef at about 6:30 and it was very quite. only random birds and no tuna on the surface. we had some floating pillies out and fished with plastics for 2 hours for nothing.
then a big school of mac tuna started boiling near us so we drove over and started throwing 7 and 14g sea rock slugs. every 15 or so casts we got a mac tuna only about 45cm but fun on 6lb river gear.
after a bit of fun chasing them they dissapered so we started heading home on the way we found another school of tuna feeding. i cast my slug in the middle and hooked up. 120 yards of 6lb got ripped of my reel in about 20 sec so had to give chase. after a few jumps and a couple more runs a little 58cm skipjack comes in the boat. ended up getting 2 more.
on the way home trolled a bomber, not long after hooked onto something a bit bigger than previous fish. after a good fight with some long runs got it to the boat. i think its a mac tuna not totaly sure but? went 9 kilo