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Thread: bubble gum report

  1. #1

    Talking bubble gum report

    hi all,
    i converted to soft plastics 6 months ago and haven't looked back. today i lost my first fish to hubba bubba - yes - real bubble gum not soft plastic bubble gum - grape flavour to be precise. didn't actually catch a fish on it but my best and most frequent bites were on the bubble gum not the soft plastic i had on my other rod! the evidence was quite apparent as the teeth marks in the gum were very easy to see. will be going out armed with strawberry next time - see if they prefer red to purple. reckon its just a matter of time before the buggers hit the hook and hopefully the esky!


  2. #2

    Talking Re: bubble gum report

    that explains what Haden, Ponting and co are doing during a test match....always chewing gum....they are getting it ready or roy to use!!!
    ..Greg...."Termites pay the bills"..... Trailcraft 475...75 Hp E-Tec

  3. #3

    Re: bubble gum report

    Mate, what i do is roll the strawberry around spearmint and there just like nuclear chicken. Perfect for sweet lips

  4. #4

    Re: bubble gum report

    Heheheh, good work on the gum ;p. Hope you get something on it next time, the new craze is the 'bubble gum'. Go get your supplies!!!


  5. #5

    Re: bubble gum report

    sounds interesting and funny

  6. #6

    Re: bubble gum report

    Don't laugh but- my Daughter caught heaps of reefies one day on a packet of "Allens 80's Mix" My husband couldn't believe his eyes! The Red snakes went off!!! She was soo bored & we decided to do a bit of sacrifice and science with an old out of date packet of lollies we found in the bottom of my bag. Talk about laugh. Sammy x

  7. #7

    Re: bubble gum report

    I caught a small bream on a piece of hubba bubba many years ago.

    I have some older mates that just don't believe me, I wish they could read this thread but computers aint there thing.

  8. #8

    Re: bubble gum report

    you never know til its been tried and tested

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