Perfect plans were upset by a lack of co-operation from the fish.
3.00am start from home and launchby 4.00 at Scarborough for a beaut trip over to moreton where it got a little sloppier from Combuyoro to Flinders reef. Spotted the aground dive boat then tried a spot for bottom bashing with the plastics and found thew current a bit quick so straight into trolling the new skirts and a couple of hard bodies Greens and lumo one corner and purples in the other. A proven winner in a couple of hard bodies too. Slapped out the teaser and the bird. Trolled for about Three and a half hours with not even a tickle. Went over some great shows of bait and some little bird activity but still no takers. We Trolled from Flinders to Hutchies and did a heap of passes over Hutchies then up the trench towards Wide Cal. We found clean water and dirty water and weaved our way in circles and straight lines all over.
Gave that away and zipped to Wide Cal to check the bottom as we trolled some more. The bottom looked very clean and clear of fish so Ryan and I decided to check for sure. The current seemed to be pretty strong but the sea anchor held us nearly still as we burlied and bashed the bottom with SP's, Squid and some nice whiting frames.
I won't say that we accidentally hooked an anchor rope with three lines and very red faced asked for help from the owners of the anchor rope. They acted with the most respect and tried to gently untangle three lines and various tackle but we insisted they free our lines more quickly (snip)and keep any tackle. Sorry for the very rude inconvenience if you read this. I misjudged the changing drift from the parachute.
Not one fish to speak of for the whole trip but was a great day.