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Thread: 1992 Yamaha 70 BETO L Wont Start

  1. #16

    Re: 1992 Yamaha 70 BETO L Wont Start

    Dorado, Not sure how the 70 works but my last 2 motors (115 yamie 2st) will only start with plenty of choke while cold(like all of the 2 st I have owned they love fuel). These have a key solenoid type and manual choke at the motor. Are you able to manually activate the choke from under the cowl. As above it seems you can rule out an electrical fault as it starts ok hot. Sound like she just needs more fuel.

  2. #17

    Re: 1992 Yamaha 70 BETO L Wont Start

    Hi Guys, thanks again for your help. This model Yammi is a 70hp 2st and it has an auto-choke. The start procedure I have followed for years now is as per the owners manual as I've described above. I took the boat back to northside marine today and the mechanic got it going. He first drained the carbs of fuel and then gave the fuel bulb a couple of squeezes and cranked the engine WITHOUT the Primer lever beiing raised and it fired immediately and ran well!!! He siad there may have been some bad fuel or crap in the carbs but he said never to use the Primer lever when cold starting (in complete contradiction to the manual and how I've been doing it for the last 16 years!). He also showed me how to manually emergency start it by manipulating the choke solenoid?? Anyway, he said give it some fuel conditioner and take for it for a good run today which I have now done and again tomorrow if possible (if it cold starts) and that may do the trick but if not, then a ful carb overhaul is probably needed - $500..ouch! He said NEVER to use the Primer lever unless the engine gets flooded cuz all it does is suck in air. So much for how I've been doing it by the manual all this time!!!

    So here's hoping that tomorrow morning it'll cold start for me and I can again give it a good run, if not then I'm gonna lose $100 bucks worth of crab pots!!!

    Thanks heaps!
    Dorado case of emergency, take me fishing

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