Hi all
I followed up this matter this week with Cr Boglary.
She asked me to let everyone know that she has been making strong representations thru the Council processes about the issues we've raised here re the boat preparation area, and as a result is confident they will be resolved. She is confident that changes are being made to the plans that will satisfy boaties needs.
Basically, this means that the prep area will be back as it is now (straight-on) and the radius of corners as you enter and leave the ramp itself will be widened considerably. Also trying to relocate the pedestrian crossing. So this aspect of the design will be as good or better than they are now.
That will be a really good outcome for us and I've spoken to some very senior Council officers who are also keen fishos and they confirmed that following all our efforts, including Cr Boglary's representations and Ron's article and all the e-mails etc flying in, that this is being sorted. The consulting designers are not back from leave yet but re-drafting instructions are waiting for them!
This will be a really good outcome and Ron and all others have been real forces to make the change happen. Top effort everyone, including Cr Boglary for taking up the charge.
There are still some people telling Cr Boglary they are concerned about the overall plans for Wello Pt. I reckon we need to save our efforts for the components that clearly and directly impact on us going fishing and making this ramp a useable and user friendly facility. That's where us boaties have real knowledge and can best contribute. We can win those arguments as this has shown based on this expertise.