I have added my signature to the petition but it only makes 14. If everyone from this site signed the petition that would be a start.........
I have added my signature to the petition but it only makes 14. If everyone from this site signed the petition that would be a start.........
What a crock.
signature #18
Tony Bowler will be getting a call monday.
I think a few letters to the bayside bulliten/ redland times are in order.
Contact Wendy Boglary 0408 543 583 or 38298619
Thanks Shane and Ron for bringing this to our attention, I re-posted the relevant details above so it didn't get lost in Ron's detailed response.
I can't find Toni Bowlers no., anyone help?
Come on guys we need more responses.
I'm on. I will chat to the SOBA Executive to get a formal letter to the editor written on this to the Bayside Bulletin as well as the Courier Mail and send it out to our media list anyway.
I emailed Cr Wendy Boglary on this matter on or around the 28th December her reply below.........
"Good evening Shane
Thank you for writing to me concerning the Wellington Point Reserve
I have concerns about the master plan which was approved before I was elected in march and have had several discussions with officers. At present I am waiting for the designers to get back to me
I have no hidden agenda and do not know of any but I understand your frustration. Please be assured I am being a nagging voice on your behalf
I thank you for your letter as this will give me support"
I suggest a few more emails would not go astray and I suspect Wendy may be able to use them as leverage in future dealings.
I also emailed her a tender proposal for 333m of panel seawall and stairs to be constructed within the Wellington Point Reserve. If I am right this may be the start of the proposed works. The tender application explicitly cited 'construction of' not 'remove and repair'. I am still waiting for a reply but I suppose being New year it might take a little while. I will keep you posted.....
I have emailed Cr Boglary with my concerns on the changes. Another voice of support.....
We need more people to email her so that she can go back and quote the number of letter and emails on this matter.
I have raised the concern over boaties with small boats that will lose access to the areas surrounding the point if they are forced to use other ramps as the distance travelled can become a safety issue if weather or bay conditions change quickly as they do forcing them to just not go to those places.
The more reasons we can pass on the better as it just gives more aguments....
I signed the petition. I dont use the area personally, but I do drive over to that side of town occasionally with my boat and would like to see the area preserved for the day I do plan to use it.
Signer #29
Ok guys and gals,
I sent Wendy an email the other day about a closed tender for construction of panel seawall and stairs in the Wellington Point Reserve.....Her latest reply from her is below. She has basically assured that the tender work I enquired about is for replacement of existing walls.....I will leave it open for discussion but will thank her for her reply.
The tender number is: Tender Ref. PDG-45046-1
It basically covers:
"The Council is calling for tenders for the provision of all materials,
plant and labour necessary for the supply, delivery, removal, installation
and defects liability to construct a panel seawall (approx. 333 metres) and
foreshore stairs."
Tender Closes at 11.30am on Tuesday, 2 December 2008.
Wendy's reply.......
Hello Shane,I have been assured, first thing this morning, by officers that the work out for tender is for the replacement of the revetment wall from the western beach around to and concluding at eastern parkland past the 3rd boat ramp. Nothing at all to do with the car park area.
Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you but councillors are not allowed to get involved with the tendering process so I wanted to wait until back in the office to talk to officers.
The officer responsible is happy to discuss the project with you. If you like I will ask him to give you a call.
Thanks for being active,
I will of course see if she can get me the contact number of the project officer involved.
Is it worth our while to see if there is a copy of the working plans available for our perusal??
I would be interested to see if there is going to be any widening of the existing footpaths/grassed areas adjacent to this wall.
If there is (especially on the eastern side) then maybe that will be the beginning of the removal of trailerparking bays as shown in the Master plan.
Phone call..... (long phone call) made to Tony Bowler my local councilor and deputy mayor......and loong email.
Will await reply.
If you live in the redlands, get in your councilors ear.
Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.
I use Wello every week or fortnight, mostly on weekends. The bays are always full. Admittedly quite a few 'car & boat trailer only' spaces a filled by the inconsiderate or ignorant people that park their cars there.
On occasion I have had to park my car & trailer up the hill in Main Street as there were no parking spaces available. Other times I have politely kicked out people attempting to park in the "car & boat trailer' only spaces.
These days I launch pre-dawn so I can catch more fish and I am assured of a parking space!
Number 33 signature on the petition........
Number 34 here
"Mystique" Haines Signature 580BR with 175 of Mr Suzuki's finest ponies
This is just an idea and my own opinion but.....
What about making all bays chockers with boats/trailers and cars. Unhitch and use both the car & trailer bays and the car bays and fill her up to the top? Have a bit of a sit in and get the councillors to come and witness what their plans will do first hand. Have a demonstration of what could happen with the walkway ontop of the ramp, with the cars driving by and the closeness of boaties to cars.......make a scene of it.....get the media there.......might work?
Done.. I'm # 37!