Caught this 45cm to 50cm fish around the rock walls of sovereign Island What is it! fish was released.
Caught this 45cm to 50cm fish around the rock walls of sovereign Island What is it! fish was released.
Painted Sweetlip or morwong or blackall or mother in law fish. You did the right thing releasing it.
jacks on the money. A slatey / mowie / blackall. Some different species taste really nice depending on what they eat and what sort of bottom they come off. Ive caught many off the rocks and they have tasted great.
Yep a Slatey for sure, and the crappiest tasting fish, hence their nickname Mother In Law. Its not a painted one, they are brightly colored you see them on the reef in FNQ.
as long as you bleed em straight away they are very similar to snapper, i have been told (cant eat it myself) but more than 1 person has said this to me. not sure as some people say different things. cheers lethal
"The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
(Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)
Apathy is the enemy
no not similar to snapper at all, and yes as jeremy said, their flesh is more pink than white.
The best way I have found in the very few I have kept was to bleed them straight away in a tub or bucket of water, this gets all the blood out as the water stops it from clotting, then gut, gill and into an ice slurry, once filleted, you will get fillet only slightly darker than a spanner, but still fairly bloody looking, looks more like a well bled trevally more than anything I reckon.
I usually just fillet and crumb, panfry, I find they taste similar to bream, and thats the good ones, it all depends on where you catch them, cleaner, reefy areas, they will eat better than if they come from a weedy bottom.
I just cut the throat and throw them into the esky sitting on top of an ice bottle. I told my wife that they are called " Mother in law fish" she cooked it up and it was beautiful. Nice soft flesh not like a snappers chewy fleshy. She asked me why we give such a good fish to mother-in law for. All i can say that the cooking must have something to do with it. Mine come off a nigger head bottom.
I have heard everything now when people say a Slatey tastes good. I caught heaps of them up off Middle Reef at Townsville at night. They love squid and put up a good fight!, I will pay that. They had a strong iodine flavour, even when bled.
But, each to his own.
I'm callin it for a netted morwong, not your garden variety MILF.
Same $h*t, different wrapper.
I used to get pestered by these blubberlips whilst chasing jacks on prawn. decided one noght to take one home and i must say the flesh was very tasty indeed! Have fired up quite a few since. Nice fish by the way...they go pretty hard those things.
I kept one and ate it, once, never again, those fellas live to fight another Day - You need to shoot Foxy a PM on how to catch them, he's a master on the ole' blubber lips
There are so many varieties of MILF, Morwong, Blubber Lips, etc.... same/ similar family.
What you do after capture impacts on eating quality.
How you cook impacts on taste.
All people have different tastes.
Some people have a pre-concieved idea of what a fish will taste like.
I have eaten these, some good, some not so good. Most go back.
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