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Barra Moments 2008
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Thread: Barra Moments 2008

  1. #1

    Barra Moments 2008

    Hey IBDers ....... As we draw down on 2008 & prepare for the festive season ...... & maybe a possible early 2009 assault on your favorite barra dam - Lets take some time & share some of ...... your highlights or lowlights for 2008
    I'm sure some will come to mind.


    Chris Nagg

    PS ..... Share those photos
    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Jeremy87's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Barra Moments 2008

    Lowlight was my first ever dowy at awoonga a few weeks ago.

    Highlight was up going up to darwin and chasing barra and sooties in the skinny water and billabongs. The highlight from that trip was sight casting an 80cm fish at my feet on surface on 8lb spin gear and getting absolutely raped.

  3. #3

    Re: Barra Moments 2008

    Relatively new to this freshwater barra caper. Have only made three trips to Monduran. The highpoints would have to be catching my first freshwater barra on the first trip, and my brother cracking the meter mark on our most recent trip. The lowpoint would definately have to be my two donuts on the last two trips.

    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  4. #4

    Smile Re: Barra Moments 2008

    hi all highlight... having a chance to fish monduran a couple of times this year..... lowlight no barra...but still had a great time hope to have a go early 09 merry x-mas and drive safe regards rob

  5. #5

    Re: Barra Moments 2008

    Well I'll start the ball rolling (no I wont !!!! .... some were quicker )

    2008 has been a really special year for me with regard to barra ...... I felt that I started to get the feel of what it was all about.

    Ultimately ....... Trev (Awoonga) played a massive part in my development during our (Mighty Whitey) trip way back in March ! ....... At taking a leap of faith & going along with Trevs suggestion to relocate during a tough bite at Mondy to less than favorable conditions at Awoonga ......... & those memorable words "The wind is your friend!" ......... with the end result - more barra in 4 days than what I had ever caught in all my previous barra trips Soft plastics moved into a league of their own after that trip! - I also met for the first time Tony & Katie (JEKS) ...... Tony drank all our beer

    A Trip to Tinaroo in May ....... & spending time with Matt (Barraboss) ...... loosing a good barra (which made me think long & hard about leaders) - meeting Theo (Tinaroo Triumph) & Andrew (Wheezer) - great blokes that I'm dying to catch up with again

    & then there was ......... THE MONDY MUSTER ....... What can you say about the Mondy Muster - a great bunch! - As good as you'd want to meet ........ & the start of an institution........ full of characters & barra knowledge! - - - the all night camp fire yarns .......... but best of all - It will only get better! & The friendships made (Priceless) .
    congrats Tony on that winning fish ..... & PB
    Catching up a couple of times (in Brissy) with John (Obi-wan) ....... we met at Faust in Oct 07 ..... good/great company

    The ABT ...... As Trev put it "Grand Final Day" ....... Lots to learn - the good , the bad & the frustrating .......... but most of all 24 days of fishing for barra.

    Approx 46 days were spent chasing Barra ....... With a better than a barra a day average landed (personally) ........ I managed barra at 100,101,102,103,104 & 106cm ...... my PB.

    too many big fish lost ........ way too many! but thats the challenge

    But my highlight was not mine personally

    It was mighty whitey's 112 on the muster trip .......... A pressure team capture of a cracker of a fish - that wasn't giving up - big jumps - 2 hard runs & a stitch up job some 50M away from the hookup point .......... with screaming advice ("Its gone" a couple of times ........ "no its not!" & "back the drag off - back it off" ......... Its not that big ...... BS ... I can barely lift it !!!!!) & with a gallery (Roo & Kim) we managed to land a significant milestone & the best fish of the year for my boat Attachment 39700 Well done Whitey! ...... but I'll get that in 09 1 cm at a time ( Yep! 107 , 108 , 109 , 110 , 111 , 112 & 113 ....... 7 meteries at least )

    What a year

    Lets hope 2009 ....... Is just as exciting - I think it will be

    Cheers all & see you on the water in 2009

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  6. #6

    Re: Barra Moments 2008

    Well its hard to put into words some of the most truley fantastic picturesk times on the water....

    The first that springs to mind is fishing hard amounst the stick in May in a small bay off the H section of the dam, I was casting a viper of all things at a log laying down into the water off the bank with another laying across it creating a sort off pool behind it flick the lure several times at this log and on the time were you normally start to loose intrest a fish of the 90cm mark decided to attack, the water erupted and the fish hurdled the log and hit the lure from the top I was so amazed of what just had happened I diddn't bother to strike untill the fish had swam well past the bow of the boat......

    Another was being able to film a mate capture of his first mondy metrey, a hard fort bit of filming and fishing with a good result for all.

    The latest one was some what a new one for me, I have tageted Barra for quite a few years now and never have I seen Barra in one area free jumping all over the place and I meen all over the place, I drove through what only can be call a freak event, Barra some big some huige free jumping like dolpins clear out of the water, as I drove I thought tomyself what would happen if one landed in the tinny but as the next one jump I was captivated again It lasted several minutes and continued on a slight scale of bow waves for more then a hour or so but That was the high light of my Impoundnent Barra fishing for 08.

    To those I have met at the dam either at the musters, sweetwater meet and greet or just around the boat ramp or camp kitchen, its been fantastic to see guys of the same mind and passion for these wonderful fish, and the light heartedness that goes with it around the camp fire make fishing the real winner and greatest gift anyone can give.

    Cheers and safe fishing in 09


  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member TonyM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Re: Barra Moments 2008

    There were a couple of donuts for me this year and I have to say I don't like the taste of them at all! What a year of ups and downs!

    Without a doubt my #1 highlite for the year was being able to get up to Mondy for the Muster, meeting a great bunch of characters, getting a Skeeter facelift thanks to Les, and managing to land the trophy fish for the muster on 20lb gear on a new outfit - priceless!

    I've got 2 more trips to Mondy planned including New Years Eve so hopefully I'll have a few more highlights to talk about before the year is over!


  8. #8

    Re: Barra Moments 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyM View Post
    There were a couple of donuts for me this year and I have to say I don't like the taste of them at all! What a year of ups and downs!

    Without a doubt my #1 highlite for the year was being able to get up to Mondy for the Muster, meeting a great bunch of characters, getting a Skeeter facelift thanks to Les, and managing to land the trophy fish for the muster on 20lb gear on a new outfit - priceless!

    I've got 2 more trips to Mondy planned including New Years Eve so hopefully I'll have a few more highlights to talk about before the year is over!

    tony ... you are one of the characters that made the muster .... & well done on that great fish

    Mate ...... hopefully you dont fill up on pastries before the years out ...... best of luck ........ & hopefully we'll see you at the B Bash
    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  9. #9

    Re: Barra Moments 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyM View Post

    I've got 2 more trips to Mondy planned including New Years Eve so hopefully I'll have a few more highlights to talk about before the year is over!

    And looking forward to it too It will be my only barra assalt this year so am really hoping things go to plan. I found 2 yrs back with Tony that there is no better way to bring in the new year than connected to a barra!!!

  10. #10

    Re: Barra Moments 2008

    Best for 08 so far -

    Jan 20, 22 and 24th seven over the metre, three in one night.

    May 11 two at a metre plus and back home by 830am to pop a cuppa into the wife in bed (mothers day)

    Sept 19 after 77 days of zip one at 80 or 90 (can't remember the size)

    Oct 14 put a mate onto three fish 80,90 and 93. Six others hooked and dropped

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member Whitto's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: Barra Moments 2008

    I guess my highlight for 2008 was not so much How many and what size...(actually had a lean year)..anyone who knows me knows its all about the occasion...The sweetwater M&G and of course The Monduran Muster.....Fantastic to meet new like minded AFishers......PRICELESS.....Hang onto to your hats Boys me thinks Muster 2009 will be bigger than Ben Hur......All good......The Borumba Bash 2009 could be an attendance surprise.....Bring on 2009.......Merry Xmas to all and look forward to meeting you all again.......Cheers Whitto
    Good Mates....Good Food.....Good Fishing....Priceless

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member Whitto's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: Barra Moments 2008

    I guess my highlight for 2008 was not so much How many and what size...(actually had a lean year)..anyone who knows me knows its all about the occasion...The sweetwater M&G and of course The Monduran Muster.....Fantastic to meet new like minded AFishers......PRICELESS.....Hang onto to your hats Boys me thinks Muster 2009 will be bigger than Ben Hur......All good......The Borumba Bash 2009 could be an attendance surprise.....Bring on 2009.......To TonyM congrats again on being the winner of the Inaugral Mondy Muster.....Merry Xmas to all and look forward to meeting you all again.......Cheers Whitto
    Good Mates....Good Food.....Good Fishing....Priceless

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member Whitto's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Barra Moments 2008 editing Double.....AAAaaahhhhhh Well
    Good Mates....Good Food.....Good Fishing....Priceless

  14. #14

    Re: Barra Moments 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Dick Pasfield View Post
    Best for 08 so far -

    Jan 20, 22 and 24th seven over the metre, three in one night.

    May 11 two at a metre plus and back home by 830am to pop a cuppa into the wife in bed (mothers day)

    Sept 19 after 77 days of zip one at 80 or 90 (can't remember the size)

    Oct 14 put a mate onto three fish 80,90 and 93. Six others hooked and dropped

    We love ya work Dick ....... Its a different slant on barra (from woop woop ) & enjoyed by all.
    look forward to your new season reports


    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  15. #15

    Re: Barra Moments 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Whitto View Post
    I guess my highlight for 2008 was not so much How many and what size...(actually had a lean year)..anyone who knows me knows its all about the occasion...The sweetwater M&G and of course The Monduran Muster.....Fantastic to meet new like minded AFishers......PRICELESS.....Hang onto to your hats Boys me thinks Muster 2009 will be bigger than Ben Hur......All good......The Borumba Bash 2009 could be an attendance surprise.....Bring on 2009.......To TonyM congrats again on being the winner of the Inaugral Mondy Muster.....Merry Xmas to all and look forward to meeting you all again.......Cheers Whitto
    THE SOCIAL BUTTERFLY HEY!!!! Good onya Whitto - you might be right about the Bash & no doubt the 09 MM will be huge ....... its in all the papers - people are taking up Barra fishing just to attend Have a look at how many new faces we have on the Freshwater pages ....... & those non attendees are now ostrasised & no longer appear

    Mate ..... but more importantly - we need to see you with some nice 2009 model barra


    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

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