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to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser
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Thread: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

  1. #1

    to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    I am finding it hard to find someone who knows enough about this sort of thing to help.

    I have spent over $6,000 on the v-drive system. new drive shaft, new bearings, new key, new prop, new rudder, repacked sealed thingy(can't think of the name of it off hand), and new couplings.

    The marine mechanic said he cannot do anymore for it when the job was finished at the time.

    I take it out yesterday and it feels like the shaft has a wobble in it.

    I do know the coupling they replaces was too big but they packed it or something as they couldn't get a custom one made to fit. I think that part was a bit slack.

    Now i am in a conundrum to pod or not to pod or keep trying to get my v-drive sorted out.

    The v-drive box itself i was told had scaring inside and previous repairs inside was evident.

    I personally wish someone had of suggested a pod/outboard setup before spending so much money on the drive but the mechanic said they tend not to tell customers what to do.

    I don't have an issue with the marine mechanics at the marina but feel i will have to look elsewhere for help on this if they have said they can't do anymore.

    but where the hell do you start looking? i shot off an email to this company hoping to find someone with experience

    Now the reason why i would have chosen to pod had I known more at the time is that it would give me the much needed space back for wheelchair access not to mention simply more room at the stern

    I have been told i am looking at approx $3-4,000 for a full size pod out the back.

    some pics

    and video
    Attached Thumbnails

  2. #2

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    Was the vibration evident before the work?
    Seeing that the coupling is the only really new gismo I'd be looking at that. Especially seeing it wasn't quite right to start with.
    Did the old coupling have rubber fingers or block or the like as the new one does not look as though it has any 'buffering' It looks like a straight up bolt together 2 plates.
    Perfect alignment of the gearbox and the prop shaft would be needed if that coupling is not flexible. (and that's pretty hard to do)
    Have you still got the old coupling?
    Nice boat too by the way.
    I intend on living far so good

  3. #3

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    Hi finga, yes when i bought the boat i bought it knowing the there was problems with the v-drive.

    The shaft was rooted, grounded down like a pencil at one end. the bearings were buggered too. the key in he shaft was buggered. the shaft was never aligned properly by the previous owner thus it rooted everything like a domino's effect.

    I didn't see the actual coupling go in but it is to my understanding that yes it is a 2 piece bolted together setup.

    hmmmm...... so i will phone the mechanics and get them to inspect anyway to see where the issue is.

    I am hoping its just the coupling as that should be easy to fix.

    However i will also get a quote from cutting edge marine on a full size pod too just to weigh up what to do eventually anyway.

  4. #4

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    I bet the original coupling was a rigid one and as that damage is typical of mis-alignment of box and shaft.
    Bung a flexible coupling in and job's done...I hope.
    What size shaft is it??
    I wouldn't call the mechanics just yet.
    They should have thought about why the damage was done to start with and rectified that during the repairs.
    Where's the boat now??
    If you can I'd be undoing the bolts holding the coupling together and measure the gap at a few places around the join in the coupling. Any more then a thou or so difference is too much.
    That's why there's a uni joint in the input shaft
    I intend on living far so good

  5. #5

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    At a guess i think it might be about a meter long give or take. I will measure it when i go down there today probably.

    when it was first fixed it was fine. probably done maybe 10 hrs since. I am pretty sure from memory they got it within a thou.

  6. #6

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    By the looks of that they only machined the coupling surface.
    The problem will appear after a while as things start to move and loosen/break if there is a misalignment.

    I meant shaft diameter not length sorry.
    Where is she now?
    I intend on living far so good

  7. #7

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    Oh this was the original diagnoses from spinnaka sound marina.

    I am moored ad Horizon Shores Marina woongoolba.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    Hi Razgo

    Years ago I got involved in ski racing and there were quite a few vee-drives used in that scene. Obviously at the speeds we travelled, things needed to be set up just one way.

    My suggestion to either fix your problems or recognize quickly just what options you have would be to chase up the ski racing community, some of whom may also reside here, and get the name of their guru (s).

    I have a feeling that one could waste a lot of time and money using people in the boating industry without the high end skills that exist in the ski racing or boat racing scene.

    This way you will either get it fixed or move on to the altenatives like o/b on a pod or even an Al extended frame such as I think, they used on WA Frasers.

    Also to be frank, I think a mechanic who doesn't give a bit of advice and only does what you direct him to do needs to be out of this loop. Based on that scenario you need to be a mechanic / engineer yourself before you start dealing with such a person........ doesn't compute!

    I can only imagine who frustated you and the wife must be by now.

    What could go wrong.......................

  9. #9

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    Hi chimo, the penny should have dropped a while ago as all my research into v-drives always led me to ski-racing boats.

    Not sure why i didn't do that. As i am pretty sure someone in the know would be able to fix or point me in the right direction.

    Yes i was a bit peeved off at the time when the mechanic(not the owner) sat there and said most people just put a pod on when it costs this much to fix a v-drive.

    Thats when i thought well why the hell didn't you suggest it as an option? As i would have got them to do the pod job anyway.

    Anyhow i don't hold any malice toward them as i think it is what is is so to speak. I don't think they did the wrong thing by me but could have been more informative and could have done a better job on the coupling where i think the current issue is.

    so yeah one side of me just feels bugger it and go and get a a quote on a full size pod or at least find out if my boat/transom is suitable for a pod.

    Bit in reading another thread here on pods it looks like thats a whole new ball game too as it would appear best to use f/glass pod which will add to costs for sure i think.

    I am having the windows done this week to as i bought some tinted 6mm perspex which just cost me nearly $600. but i was 4 x 1300x900 pieces. If that goes well i will get the front windows done too.

  10. #10

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    The first guy suggested a mis-alignment as well.
    IMO a flexible coupling will fix the problem.
    70 thou out of alignment is a huge amount for a rigid coupling. No wonder there was a bit of a noise
    An easy way to see if the coupling is the problem just unbolt both 1/2's of the prop shaft coupling and move one of the flanges a smidge, start the motor and put into gear. rev her up to cruising RPM and see if there's any vibration. If there is then the problem is from the flange to the motor but my guess is there will no vibrations.
    Hey Chimo... I bet the ski guys all use rubber couplings.
    I intend on living far so good

  11. #11
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    Hi Razgo

    I'd be ringing this guy and if he couldn't help I've got a feeling he could give you some hints about who else to talk to closer to your boat's location.

    What could go wrong.......................

  12. #12

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    I was also told about a company called C & P ski boats and they are supposed to be down at Yatala although i couldn't see them when i went down to the boat today.

    I took some more pics/video and will upload them later.

    I am not game enough to start unbolting things myself so i will leave that to hose in the know.

  13. #13

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    some more pics.

  14. #14

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    You could try my mechanic.
    Only a young guy, but geez he's good, and he'll talk to you in plain english.

    He's also been involved with the Bullett Racing Team for some time.
    Really knows his way around a motor, and best of all he'll come to you.

    BJ Rowling. Water Torque Marine. 0402492554.
    "Magpie Navy." VHF 73.

    It was a Woman who drove me to Drink......
    ....and I never gave her money for the Petrol......

  15. #15
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: to pod or not to pod 30' bay cruiser

    a coupling..even a flexible one needs alignment either by laser or dial guages.. +/- 2 thou is usually acceptable.

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