I am finding it hard to find someone who knows enough about this sort of thing to help.
I have spent over $6,000 on the v-drive system. new drive shaft, new bearings, new key, new prop, new rudder, repacked sealed thingy(can't think of the name of it off hand), and new couplings.
The marine mechanic said he cannot do anymore for it when the job was finished at the time.
I take it out yesterday and it feels like the shaft has a wobble in it.
I do know the coupling they replaces was too big but they packed it or something as they couldn't get a custom one made to fit. I think that part was a bit slack.
Now i am in a conundrum to pod or not to pod or keep trying to get my v-drive sorted out.
The v-drive box itself i was told had scaring inside and previous repairs inside was evident.
I personally wish someone had of suggested a pod/outboard setup before spending so much money on the drive but the mechanic said they tend not to tell customers what to do.
I don't have an issue with the marine mechanics at the marina but feel i will have to look elsewhere for help on this if they have said they can't do anymore.
but where the hell do you start looking? i shot off an email to this company hoping to find someone with experience http://www.marinediesel.com.au/01_cms/details.asp?ID=28
Now the reason why i would have chosen to pod had I known more at the time is that it would give me the much needed space back for wheelchair access not to mention simply more room at the stern
I have been told i am looking at approx $3-4,000 for a full size pod out the back.
some pics
and video
Attached Thumbnails