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Thread: Virginity Lost

  1. #31

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Thanks Frank. I was actually sober as it was 0730 and i had just finished beer number 2 . As you know, most of the fish i get around here in the salt are clubbed and get there throat slit so it was a new experience putting one back. I was in that much of a rush to get him in the water healthy that photo's were overlooked.

    Good feeling putting one back though- different

    Sorry though mate- the catfish and thee tree you caught trying to peg a lure at me dont count as six monsters .

    Thanks again for the help.

    Cheers Scott

  2. #32

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Hey Scottie,

    Mate, it was great to meet you for the first and I'm sure not the last time. Good to see that you gave as good as you got mate - you'll fit in with our crew perfectly.

    Congrats on that 99.9999999999 fish mate - at you you know it should reach the metre mark before your next trip - if it survived the bogers .

    Now for the real comp - I got 7 catties for the trip!! Any challengers I do I get the Olympic gold medal??

    Chewie - Olympics hey!!!! That's Paul. I'm looking at an Audi if I donut next trip - not good mate. Except for my Tinaroo trip, this year has been a disaster with Vin taking all the glory and to top it off, I get stitched by Benny Barbwire . F/Dat!!!

    Anyway mate, I will pm when once I have dates for my xmas trip up your way. Will definitely tee up a session with you and Andy - without Barb .

  3. #33
    Ausfish Platinum Member Big_Ren's Avatar
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank OO View Post
    I have never met such a mob of alchoholics before in my life.
    Frank OO
    Telephone call from the Pot to the Kettle. You're on Frank

    Scotty, you have to watch FrankOO the Bundy Smurf (aka Droppa Smurf)....he has corrupted us all over the eyars and is a disruptive influence to those of us trying to remain sober and catch fish We used to be members of the local Temperance Society until we met Frank, but he has cast his evil spell over all of us...

    Seriously though Scotty...well done on breaking your barra virginity....just a poofteenth longer and you would have your metrey Also fantastic to meet you and Hans.


    PS Chewy and Ben....nasty Olympic words indeed you cheeky buggers...Ben is trying to be an Olympic fencer you know
    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  4. #34
    Ausfish Platinum Member Big_Ren's Avatar
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    Re: Virginity Lost

    Quote Originally Posted by black_sheep View Post
    Chewie - Olympics hey!!!! That's Paul. .
    Navi....I am only looking to emulate what you have already achieved......a 3 ring circus not will get yours
    Chewy.....I have nothing on you yet, but I am looking and listening
    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  5. #35

    Re: Virginity Lost

    paul... i own a tupperware boat.. that should be enough....oh thats right..... it boated 4 fish
    I gotta take it while i can get it
    it doesnt happen very often

  6. #36

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Navi- likewise mate. Enjoyed meeting you and sharing some drinks laughs and fishing. Bloody funny times. As for the Bogars- bugger. Spoke to Jacki and she explained to me the damage that can be done holding the fish like that. Lesson learned. If it died and is rotting in the lake i'm not impressed. Firstly cause i felt good releasing a fish and secondly because i have nil fish fillets left in the freezer.

    Paul- Great meeting you and that weapon of a boat of yours. Damn my video camera, the footage would have looked great especially if you had actually taken off. As for Frank- I like 2 or 3 drinks of an arvo- he is just irrisponsible!!!!!

    As for the Metery- well i'm on a mission next time. Thermos of coffee and no Rum till the big lad is photoed (is that a word) on the mat.

    Cheers, keep well and have a great Chrissy.


  7. #37

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Ok Ok Ok lets get some perspective here.
    First of all Scotty- Never mind the bogas mate, no Hoo teeth to slash you to the bone, just an old pair of gardening gloves will do!!!! Oven Mitts will also do. Bugger me i left em at home for this trip....
    Frankoo-Mate if i have never banged my head against a wall so hard than Friday dawn. I landed two in a tough bite, you DROPPED 5 Cos i dont know why!!!! Didnt upgrade trebles[ although the fish didnt straighten them], that was the only reason i could see wh you dropped them. WE could have been heros. Although i laughed on Saturday monrning when you were cursing the dropped fish...
    Paul Olympics Pastry cheif 1- Mate i went up to barby bay, no sausages on offer, and no wire on the HOOOOnda!!!!!! Krispy Creme stand up there though!!! \
    Navindren- Olympic Pastry cheif 2- Mate i dunno, you were there we did everything the same, sometimes its the luck of the draw. But doughnuts taste good!
    Chewy-Will give you a buzz mate, would love to hook up and fish somewhere different, maybe saline!!!

    I will try and post some piccys tomorrow, been bloody busy, its 9.15 and this is the first time i have relaxed all day


  8. #38
    Ausfish Silver Member Gordie's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Re: Virginity Lost

    All the above is giving me an itchy trigger finger for Monduran again.

    And it looks like 800 plus casts is still required.

    Great report mate.

  9. #39

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Scottie, we didn't see any floaters up the dam on Monday morn (other then Paul's hostages) so I reckon she swam away to fight another day.

    Mate, every trip is a steep learning curve - I don't know how many Mary and Murray river cod I hang up by the bottom lip before someone informed me of the damage I was inflicting.

    BTW - I do believe you about the metrey. I got a 111cm in March and camera f/up so didn't get brag mat shots either and Ben always brings it up!!

  10. #40

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Quote Originally Posted by black_sheep View Post
    Scottie, we didn't see any floaters up the dam on Monday morn (other then Paul's hostages) so I reckon she swam away to fight another day.

    Mate, every trip is a steep learning curve - I don't know how many Mary and Murray river cod I hang up by the bottom lip before someone informed me of the damage I was inflicting.

    BTW - I do believe you about the metrey. I got a 111cm in March and camera f/up so didn't get brag mat shots either and Ben always brings it up!!
    Cheers Navi. They would have been liquid hostages by monday .

    Yeah gives you the shites with yourself when you think your doing the right thing by a fish. Oh well- i will make sure my jesus stick is on board for Tuesdays Hoo and Dollie trip off Moreton.

    Thanks for your belief in me mate. The others denie out of pure jelousy . As for Ben- i didn't see him catch a single

    Cheers Scott

    Cheers Scott

  11. #41

    Re: Virginity Lost

    well done mate. i carnt wait to get back out there

  12. #42

    Re: Virginity Lost

    As for Ben- i didn't see him catch a single

    Cheers Scott

    Sorry mate but Nav had his hands on the net when the 111 graced us with her presence. Check out the pics in Peters report

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