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Virginity Lost
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Thread: Virginity Lost

  1. #1

    Virginity Lost


    A while back a mate Hans suggested we should have a go at catching a Barra. Sunded good, so plans were made at we ended up heading to Monduran on Friday the 5th Dec. Caught up with Frank OO and met the other lads. Ben, Navi, Chewy, Paul and others.

    After stopping in at Foxies we headed out to try catch one of these beasts. 400 casts later and a minature catfish was the only score . Headed back disheartned for a couple of coldies and a chat.

    Sat morning saw us heading back up the Dam in the dark. 300 casts later and i finally saw one of the beasts. It followed my slick bait up to the boat, it had weed on it , so the fish just rolled away. I was pretty stoked just to see one. Gave me a new enthusiasm.

    Half an hour later saw us at a different spot and then it happened. I'm on!!! The thing came out of the water nd i was in awe. No cattie this time. After a nervous ten minutes, maybe five, my first Barra is on the deck of the boat. You bloody ripper. I'm a shaking mess. Grin from ear to ear. Onto the brag mat and it is spot on 100cm. The skipper has a look to confirm the length and we take a couple of Photo's. Back into the water and he swims away strong.

    Now a problem arises. My first Barra that is 100cm is now 99.9999 because in my brain fart state i did not take a photo of it on the mat. The boys informed me in no uncertain terms that it doesn't count as a 1mtr fish . Ahh well means i will have to give it another crack.

    A big thanks to all the lads, and Jackie at Foxies, for your advice while we were up there. It was invaluable and much appreciated.

    Cheers Scott

  2. #2

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Congratulations Scott, been thinking about heading up and havin a crack myself..oh well for now i'll keep sippin this bourbon and dream.
    Cheers Grant

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Fishbait's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Good work Scott. Did you come back on Sat arvo or sunday? Did you try any trolling? How far up the lake did you go. Glad you had a good time. I'll pop up that way late Dec for another go also - it's addictive hey those big fellas. Cheers mate, Darren.

  4. #4

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Came back Sunday morn. Frank made me drink rum so slept in and didn't get to have a morn fish today which seemed to be the most productive time. No trolling. Bout 25mins up the lake. Not at the addicted stage yet. It was a buzz and a adrenaline rush. Maybe after a few more fish. Will have to go back early new year.

    Cheers Scott

  5. #5

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Ah the RUM danger danger warning signs should have been
    Good going mate. Nice fish.

    Cheers Troy

  6. #6

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Good read Scotty,
    pleasure meeting you.its unfortunate you got tangled up with that other mob just got a message from steve. they had a big storm this arv and navi n paul were supposed to be fishing. Im guessing the beer won.. again

  7. #7

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Hey Scott

    Well done on your first barra & first metery ....... you know you caught it

    How do you feel now ? I'm sure it would have got the juices flowing

    Great stuff

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member fghjkl's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Congratz scotty, im yet to crack that magic metre mark hooked plenty but never landed.


  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Well done Scott,

    When I saw you in Foxies on Friday you looked like a man on a mission......

    What a great result for your first (but not last) trip to Monduran....



  10. #10

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Nice to finally meet you mate, and we all fed off your exciting enthusiasm. Hey we may even let you have the metery, have to talk to the President of the Brag Matt society though!!!! Or maybe just feed FrankOO some more rumbos.
    How was the extra sleep this morning???? Couldnt believe you slept in
    Not too much action missed

  11. #11

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Chewy- likewise mate and good to meet your your young bloke. Hope my boy grows up with the same passion for fishing. Yeah did fall in with the wrong crowd but it was a bloody good time.

    Chris- Our kind (fishermen) have been known to stretch the truth, so i can understand where they are coming from. Lesson learned though. I feel like a couple more would be great. When i opened my eyes thismorning and saw it was daylight you could have heard me swearing in Brissy.

    Pete- Did you get anymore mate?

    Ben- likewise mate. Enjoyed meeting you and the others and having some laughs. Really enjoyed myself. 99.99 means "wifey i HAVE to keep going back because i havn't got one over a meter yet". As for Mr Frank- he stitched me up on rum so i would sleep in so he could try improve on his donught without fear of me improving my tally- or- it tasted good. You got another hey? Was that 4 for the trip and a PB 111? Bloody fantastic.

    Cheers Scott

  12. #12

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Quote Originally Posted by reel scream View Post
    Chewy- likewise mate and good to meet your your young bloke. Hope my boy grows up with the same passion for fishing. Yeah did fall in with the wrong crowd but it was a bloody good time.

    Chris- Our kind (fishermen) have been known to stretch the truth, so i can understand where they are coming from. Lesson learned though. I feel like a couple more would be great. When i opened my eyes thismorning and saw it was daylight you could have heard me swearing in Brissy.

    Pete- Did you get anymore mate?

    Ben- likewise mate. Enjoyed meeting you and the others and having some laughs. Really enjoyed myself. 99.99 means "wifey i HAVE to keep going back because i havn't got one over a meter yet". As for Mr Frank- he stitched me up on rum so i would sleep in so he could try improve on his donught without fear of me improving my tally- or- it tasted good. You got another hey? Was that 4 for the trip and a PB 111? Bloody fantastic.

    Cheers Scott
    Yeah, funny fishing trip-socially as usual plenty of laughs and the odd lager-fishing was challenging, as usual.
    We ended up with 3 lost one rat at the side this morning, went a bit light on a 85, we didnt un tie from the tree and he stitched me up........ Spoke to the boys this arvo.......Krispy Creams for all but one

  13. #13

    Re: Virginity Lost

    hi scotty,
    "virginity lost" dunno why you keep doing that to those poor fish, and how did you know it was a virgin??
    a metery hey?
    well done

  14. #14

    Re: Virginity Lost

    Scotty, nice fish mate. Funny thing is I read the title of your thread and it made me think of the other pic you sent me. Too bad your fish shrunk when you threw it overboard. Maybe next time you'll get a metrey.


  15. #15

    Re: Virginity Lost

    LOL @ Dazza

    Yea keep it clean scotty, people have to drink that water.

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