support the local guys. most local stores do club deals, I know mine does a club deal with 5% off, BCF are lame to their club members offering stupid stuff for club price.... wow a 4WD snatch strap on special that will be useful.. not, the only good thing I ever got as a BCF member was 2-4-1 gulps only cause Slam power baits didn't have enough to cover their stock LoL. I support the local guys BCF are just franchise greed mongers.... Ohh the 25% off shimano was good, if they didn't sell 08 stock, I wanted a mexican fire raider.... but no... I prefer the personal feel of the local store.. I only go to BCF cause I know the kids on the counter are waiting for their time to clock off and aren't paying any attention as they put my bait for 2kg of the IQF pilly's for the price of the block ones, save a few bucks...