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Thread: 3rd Brissy River Thready

  1. #1

    3rd Brissy River Thready

    Went down to breakfast creek this afternoon for the umpteenth time. I've spent many hours all around there without ever landing a big fish. probably several weeks of fishing if you add up all the hours.
    Was lucky enough to get some good herring in the net in only two or three casts. I just got a new shimano spin rig with braid so I was pretty keen to land a big thready on it. Cast out the shimano rig, then also threw a herring on a very weathered $50 combo that has done me well over the years. wouldn't you know it the old cheapo rig gets smashed. I had it resting on the metal railing and by the time I looked round the rod is totally horizontal with the reel hooked around the railing and line peeling off at a rapid rate.

    As any Brissy river land based fisho knows, the first thing that pops into your head in this situation is "probably a big ray", but I soon realised from the head shaking and unmistakable non-ray-like fight of a good fish that it wasn't vermon.

    I haven't had a fight like this for ages. It ran out into the middle of the river 2 or 3 times then headed for the pylons, straight under the jetty. With my rod tip about a foot under the water I managed to get it out of there. By this time a family with young kids had gathered round.

    and then up it came... a nice medium sized thready that was punching well above it's weight. I got it onto land and took a couple of quick photos before trying to revive it in the water. But it was stuffed. It had swallowed the hook and wouldn't come good. So now I've got him filletted in the fridge.

    One thing I am a bit concerned about is his flesh wasn't totally white. It was a little bit golden/brown/yellow, a bit like his outside. Has anyone else found this with these golden coloured threadies? Could it be some kind of pollutant?

    P.S. Sorry to those breaky creek regulars who don't want a hoard of people coming down to chase threadies. If you are thinking it's a "hotspot" then think again. alot of people spend alot of hours around there and catch nothing more than eels and catfish and rays.

  2. #2

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    awsome fish dude
    figjam :wink:

  3. #3

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    Nice one coodgie. Yep found the same thing with my threadie flesh. Tasted just fine but still possibility i guess. Ben

  4. #4

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    awesome thready mate,
    would love to get onto one of them,
    bet they pull any redfish backwards

  5. #5

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    Congrats Coodgee,
    Well done, good to see such good fish in the river, and the $50 combo held together.

  6. #6

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    Yeah nice fish mate, haven't been to brekky creek in a while, just trying to work out exactly where you're standing.

    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  7. #7

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    good stuff mate well done!

  8. #8

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    Quote Originally Posted by slyman View Post
    Yeah nice fish mate, haven't been to brekky creek in a while, just trying to work out exactly where you're standing.
    never mind exactly where I'm standing!!

  9. #9

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    Quote Originally Posted by Coodgee View Post
    never mind exactly where I'm standing!!
    Thats alright mate, wasn't exactly looking to pinch your spot, got my own spots to catch a thready.

    Besides, I've taken a transit off the red buoy over your left shoulder and the building directly behind it, transferred it to a chart and now i know

    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  10. #10

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    Hey Coodgee
    Nice fish!
    Even tho its not a (hot spot) u should of kept it low key,
    the more people that fish there the quicker they put a fence, we kept tht spot 2 our self for years! Oh well up 2 u im not land based anymore!

  11. #11

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    Nice fish.

    Guys you can catch Threadys litterly anywhere in the brisbane river up to colleges, All you need is live herring or prawns and cast just off the dropoff.

  12. #12

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    Well done ,A nice thready.Interested in your dilema about the yellow flesh .Have not seen that but my fish have been caught further towards the mouth. Some of these fish may have been flushed well out of their normal stomping grounds from well up the river.Hey carlos if you read this,you've caught them all over the river so whats the go mate.struck this one?

  13. #13

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    great fish
    its true down there you have to put in the time, and put up with the vermin to get to the good fish but there out there!


  14. #14
    Ausfish Gold Member Richo1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    Yellow/golden fish seem to come from up the river with the silver ones from the mouth. Have eaten heaps of mid river yellow/golden threadies and the flesh was always white, and top eating. Maybe the fresh runoff changing their flesh colour?

    Having said that was at the river mouth on Friday and saw 2 massive Threadies swimming together on the surface - at least 1.5m each!!!! kid you not! Both were golden and would not touch anything we threw at them

  15. #15

    Re: 3rd Brissy River Thready

    Nice fish mate.
    Great for landbased at Breaky Creek.

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