Greg you have problay been working in a far more civilised and engineered environment. and yes you problay havd a ground plane.....if the plane has anon metal skin I expect they would install a ground plane under the skin.
That is waht the do on things like ambulances with fibreglass bodies.. they install a plate.
These ground independed marine areials are truly weird from a technical pintof view.......I can remember scrathing my head over them when I was a young fella.
In civilised engineering the lenght of the coax is not an issue......and in many fields that is part of the design mind set......"if the lenght of the coax is going to be an issue we will do it another way"
interesting.... regardles of the boat being aluminium or not..... the vast majority of ( small craft )marine areials are ground independent....even when a groundplane is available.
I think part of that is..... that a ground independent areial requires no tuning and any donkey can install one sucessfully with no access to instruments.
If a groundplane antenna was to be installed it would require tuning and an SWR meter or directional wattmeter would be required......