Sorry steve, but the KISS principle is best. It takes up to much real estate on my monitor, and to top it off it uses that stupid picture viewer that takes forever to load and blocks out your screen.
Sorry steve, but the KISS principle is best. It takes up to much real estate on my monitor, and to top it off it uses that stupid picture viewer that takes forever to load and blocks out your screen.
I think the new classified section is a little cluttered with info and harder to navigate but i guess there is a reason for it ,but i liked the old way personally ...matt
A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......
If you do not want a section to show on the main page just click on the collapse buttonand it will not take up any space, or real estate as we use to call it many years ago.
Steve Brown
Do Not Feed The Trolls
I noticed its is collapsed by default when navigating in via now. Much better
Edit, its not actually collapsed, it just does not show the detail from the post from the main forum page! Very good.